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Many have tried to figure out the answer, but we still don't fully understand how clams are so cool.


be careful peeling potatoes in bulk.
I wasn't 💀

The ancients could offer burnt sacrifice to their gods by burning offerings and watching the smoke rise to the heavens.

I must settle for the weed smoke that rises into the active ventilation unit in my bathroom.

that's it. i had my patience with people, but this time i am done. if yall are pro russia or pro putin i detest and look down on you. you're pathetic and disgusting. you're not my friend, you're not my ally and you deserve to be shamed. you're a fucking colonizer. fuck off. you're a fake leftist and you're a fucking fascist. if i see you in the alley im gonna catch a body

Hewlett Packard report that they are spotting AI-generated malware in the wild, not through complex analysis or watermarking, but because… it is weirdly well-commented.

Help raise funds for Ruby: a USian trans woman in her 20s who is trapped with transphobic, abusive, alcoholic father who forces her to become drunk against her wishes, flee US and marry Britt, who is raising funds for Ruby's immigration as well!!

Goal: 2197/3200 dollars


Tags: #GTFOmyState #MutualAid #TransMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #crowdfund #crowdfunding #fundraiser #fundraising

can anybody suggest a phrase to distinguish

"self-hosting" as in, you put software on a vps or other computer that you pay for from
"self-hosting" as in, the above but more specifically on (a) computer(s) running in your home, that visitors reach via the same internet connection you and your family uses

i kindof like "self-hosting" versus "home-hosting" but i wonder what else is out there

I swear, this guy is out here like "bonfire lit" while mom is reciting the brachot over her airpods from a YouTube Short.

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"Pause Elden Ring while I read the blessings Jared. I can tell you are streaming it to your phone."

After the retreat and ransacking of the seleucids, the priests of the temple found only enough kosher cannabis in the grinder to keep them lit for one night. However, as if by miracle, the grounded flour lasted 7 nights and on the eighth there was enough kief for the next crop to be ready. A miracle.

Instead of saying "I'm available to hire", say "my worksona is adoptable"

Emacs on Android guide and overview 

Install Termux from the emacs Sourceforge first for userland tools. Your emacs app will share a shared app user id and signature with Termux to access its applications with a path variable in a shared home directory, so you get them both built from the same source to avoid package signature conflicts. You cannot do this with the F-Droid version of either app. Make sure your new Termux environment from sourceforge is up to date before you install emacs.

Next check out the README from
for further instructions. But basically grab a Termux apk and a Emacs apk from the "termux" directory in this sourceforge project for your android version. The command 'uname -m' in an adb shell will tell you your device architecture. Install and setup Termux first, then emacs. Allow management of all files in both apps with app info. Configure emacs early-init config like the README tells you, and viola. Here is a screenshot showing It works, in my current emacs phone config. You pinch zoom to resize text per buffer, and the menus work on touchscreen. Keyboard pops up when a buffer is writeable, and can be configured to be always visible. You can have modifier key mode bar buttons too.
:emacs: 📲

aktau airplane crash, HOLY SHIT 

Azerbaijani government sources have exclusively confirmed to Euronews on Thursday that a Russian surface-to-air missile caused the Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash in Aktau on Wednesday.

If this preliminary data is confirmed, this would be the second time in a decade that Russian forces have destroyed a commercial aircraft after the MH17 crash in Ukraine.

#azerbaijan #aktau #news

Hey, all. A bunch of houses got burned down in the Philippines, and my friend lives around there and is fundraising to at least get people food and supplies. The pictures attached is from my friend.

If people have capacity, you can send it to me and I'll forward it to my friend on the ground. A little bit goes a long way in the Philippines.

You can send your donations here:

Venmo: jagtalon
PayPal: (this has fees unfortunately don't know how to remove it yet)

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.