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Follow Request Thingy 

So I've tried updating this with a long thing but I feel like I'm just making rules to have them and not really wanting them, so, probably final word in for now.

Do: Have your pronouns and age (range) on your profile somewhere.
Don't: be a minor or interact with minors as an 18+ account.

Aside from that, it's just however I'm feeling at the moment. Maybe that's fickle but idc, it's my account I do what I want.

I wish Linux would just work good grief. all the Linux touchers are like "huh, I feel the same way about windows." guess what space dork, this OS is for chumps

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ThufieFilms Premiere:
[YTP] Wilcock's Age of Wonders

Here is the PeerTube link:

YouTube mirror (with more of a Google-safe post-credits image, but otherwise identitcal):


I put a lot of work into manually making the English captions, so if you have trouble with un-captioned YouTubePoops, don't worry! Technically this is a PTP? A PeerTubePoop? This is on a new PeerTube channel from my last one, since the old instance is shutting down and I'm moving away from doing video game commentary stuff. Edits are much more fun for me.

Making out with a woman in the long term nuclear waste storage warning spike field would fix me I think

There should be Mario Party type games explicitly catering to furries

I had a dream about this comic, so I drew it and now you all get to see it.

ENOUGH love languages. I've seen far too many. now is the age of hate languages – let me tell you all the ways I could hate you, all the ways I despise you. all the stars in the night sky weep in jealousy, for as numerous as they are, they would blink out one by one knowing that they can count far fewer among their ranks than the ways in which I loathe you - if such a word could dare to be sufficient

the stars are watching.

they're counting on you. let them love you.

commune with them. call them by their names: sword-angels and the divine spirits and the Holy Gradient.

their love is unconditional. their magic will reach you and they will bless you.

enter into prayer with them in mind. whisper your secrets to them. they will guide you. they will guide you.

random office worker or official: *looks at the sun* dude I looked at the sun

girls online: you fucking fool. how embarrassing for you. do you have any brain cells left. do you even value your eyes? this is so indicative of the kinds of behavior of the privileged capitalist class, the perceived immunity to any form of harm that could come your way because you're protected by a system that will care for you should ill effects ever—

me: *looks at the sun* dude I looked at the sun

girls online: omg babe.... it's okay sweetie, oh sweetheart, oh babe.... oh dear, you're so pretty and right all the time... shh it's okay, just rest your eyes, go ahead and lay your head in my lap.... ...can I smell you btw

uspol (florida specific) 

"I love voting in the primary elections that aren't even hosted in my state this year. Everything is okay and normal as long as a keep thinking about winning."

homestuck warning, kinning 

Kinning is demonstrably not hero worship because of the famous vriska kinnie counterexample.

futire headline, silly, sex mention? unhinged, US libertarians, nickleback 

Ancap Sex Blimps downed in gulf of mexico, mexican coast guard pull embarrassed, unshaven men out of "Ayn Rand flying waifu goon cave". Stay tuned for updates as the situation progresses.

Update: 3/12/46
Found in possession of exotic designer drugs, charged for possession of Nickleback CDs. Outlawed in the north american union's AI cultural reforms of 2038.

thufie what 

Sorry if I ever get possessed by the spirit of a western observer and start policy wonking all over the place. Had to cut a pretty shady deal with a weird career Democrat who wants to siphon my life force. Somehow he needs my bathwater too. Weird. Doctor's orders!

You are legally obligated to appreciate me (a bat) and any other bats you know today uwu

tomorrow i'm going to stare directly at the sun!

gold morning :) *turns you into a pillar of precious metals*

O porcelain brain, O ceramic computer
digital kiln fired teapot filled with hot, steaming data
what's it like to both hold
and, yourself, be the secret?

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.