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anarchist pol, re: all uncw'd usian bullshit in advance 

I just block anyone who argues that (distorted and filtered) demographics legitimize the violence of the state. I fled the south because of the repurcussions of that inane bullshit, so here's your bi-annual advance notice for stupid loud americans going on moral diatribes about elections. So you could say it is a bit personal given the impact this bullshit has had on my life.

Here's an anarchist critique of democracy, just another of many ways of "governing".

Deposit your vote in the replies and I promise I will give it the same serious consideration any government official would 🗨️➡️🚽.

This little rant is nowhere near as much a waste of time as an entire fucking "election year". The purpose of a system is what it does, not your immaterial patriotic bullshit.

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mutual-aid, begging, fundraising 

Hey so our polycule has moved and is settled, but we just had all of our money wiped out by rent coming due. There's three of us in a single-bedroom apartment and we have to get money for basic needs like meals until we are back on our feet and no longer in debt. Oh yeah, my wife is a few hundred dollars in debt from the move, by the way.

Had to spend money on getting a new computer (our laptops were all stolen) and all the bullshit of getting started in a new city/state after getting the fuck out of Texas which wiped us out even before the landlord's payment system decided to fuck us over with extra fees.

I was taking monthly donations via liberapay before, but now I've also setup kofi as well. All money goes towards groceries and then paying our debts so we can get off to a new start here. Thank you so much for sharing.

donation links:


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Greentexting, my policy:
- In a post: Blocked indefinitely
- In a screenshot: Blocked indefinitely
- As a small part of a screenshot: Muted for a week
- In a reply: Reported and Blocked

Stop channerisms now. Raise awareness.

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pinned boundaries post 

I'm not really interested in random people following me anymore. If you know me, send me a direct message. Anything else will be denied. Regardless: for people interacting with my public stuff you should know my boundaries.

here are politics I do not vibe with:
- politics
- :tankies:
- 💸 (so-called "market anarchists" or libs)
- nationalism (grow up from wounded fairy tales)
- new age spiritualism / new athiesm
- divorced dad-ism (move on)
- missionaries / evangelists
- white vegan health cults (you are racist)
- Britishism
- paranoid, insecure settler
- journalist (derogatory)
- your *entire* personality is being an "____ parent"
- hippies
- CIS military apologetica
- cisgender apologetica
- fascism
- stallmanism, OSI and FSF techbro cults
- cable television commentary (I cut the cable for a reason)
- go to the polls! electoralism religious adherent
- resource scarcity-FUD hyper for eco fascists
- primitivism (if you are anti-literacy why are you even logged in lmao go eat berries)
- obviously anything antisemitic or transphobic
- pollsters, quizzers, and petitioners
- anti-piracy (MPAA's hiring, fuckface)
- legal justice system believer (lol, lmao)
- Firstname Lastname LinkedIn
- The person reading this who thinks you can override my boundaries because you are a privileged fuck who has learned to treat others people's priorities as dismissible "requests"
- racist queer people
- channers
- hippies (again)
- [Broccoli Haters](
- Meritocracy or Technocracy people
- :acab:​ (no feds, cops, enlisted people)

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I wish anarchists were... anarchist. The dilution of the revolutionary anarchist aesthetic online to near meaninglessness has me uncertain about who actually has my back. For the record, when I say I'm an anarchist, I mean *all hierarchies* are bad and unsafe. All cops, all empires, all states. If you disagree, why is it in your bio and so core to how you style yourself online? It feels like a lie.

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A black family needs your help again! (April 3rd)

I don't like on how this is the 3rd time I'm asking for help during this situation, but this is the only way I can do to help.

We have been in some progress since last time, we're currently working on gaining the ability to buy a house throughout the weeks up till now. And so far, we're waiting on a word from them telling on what're we suppose to do next.

While we're waiting for that, we do need help with keeping up with the hotel room, food and bills while also saving up for the house. Every bit helps!

Goal amount is $3,350!

$1,232/$3,350 (USD)

You can donate on either Paypal or Cashapp.



All boosts and donations are greatly appreciated!

@mutualaid @blackmastodon #blackmutualaid #mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #blackmastodon #crowdfund #crowdfunding #autisticmutualaid #blackcrowdfund #blackcrowdfunding #actuallyautistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #pleaseboost #pleaseboostthis #blackautistic #fediverse #Mutual_Aid #BlackFedi #blackfediverse #neurodivergent #neurodivergentmutualaid #neurodivergentcrowdfund #neurodivergence #neurodiversity

shmup livestream thing ill be in 

i will be playing Raiden 4 against 3 other people live. none of us have played it or know much about it.

1 credit per run, get as far as you can. no credit feeding. score doesnt matter, only distance. once the restart timer runs out, you cannot start another run.

EDIT: its on april 28th. i forgot to mention that

Some COVID conscious people are worried about mask bans because protestors are wearing them. That's understandable, but (a) they are wearing them to mitigate COVID spread, and (b) even if COVID didn't exist, they should have the right to wear them to protect against surveillance.

Learning which common math subexpressions are which builtin math functions, for which data types, in each new programming language, forever.

Over the PA on the metro, "We have special police on the train. If you have any concerns, direct them to the special police".

Yeah I have concerns that there are "special police" on the train.

Before you leave home, don't forget your walking brick!

Tbh the reason why I think reparations should be made to victims of the Nakba and further land displacements even though the Nakba is part of a much larger displacement event that included almost a million Jews being forcibly displaced in the MENA region by Arab governments, is because:

We can be better. And just because those governments might never get their shit together doesn’t mean we can’t. And just because we might never get reparations for the Jews who were displaced doesn’t mean we can’t do what’s right for the Arabs who were displaced in the Nakba.

Fuck eye for an eye or whatever

If a blind student wants to do a CS undergrad (in US) specifically to work in assistive technology, what schools would be particularly good for that? (Feel free to boost for reach.)

The English suffix "-ard" (as in "drunkard", "laggard", "braggard", and "sluggard") is used to make adjectives into deprecating nouns.

"He's drunk" is just a description.
"He's a drunkard" is a moral judgment that finds the subject lacking.

The same process turned "he's wise" into "he's a wizard".

"Wizard" was the medieval equivalent of "smartass".

Biden is coming for the huge demographic of 35-44 year old men who make $100k a year and have a sirius xm subscription

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Ambient carbon dioxide concentration correlates with SARS-CoV-2 aerostability and infection risk via

My takeaway: we really _should_ be aiming to have CO2 levels at 500ppm when indoors with other people. Even 800ppm "results in a significant increase in viral aerostability."

#COVID #IndoorAirQuality #HealthAndSafety #PublicHealth

Oh yeah, Kitty.Town, your domain is expiring in 4 days and don't have the money to pay it because I'm about to have my power shut off and can't buy food so 🤷‍♀️

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uspol protests, treatment of students 

Students against war shouldn't face a ruined career because some idiot with a megaphone in the same zip code said some stupid bullshit. Or because rich white Christians are holding out for their apocalypse and won't back down. ACAB.

I'm critical of some of the messaging sometimes because I want them to be better and more effective as a social force (get rid of the antisemites). But at the end of the day you better try to dearrest even the most loudmouth dipshit student who has bad reasons for agreeing with you. Because none of this shit deserves the brutal establishment crackdown it's provoked.

So this is new (to me). Gmail now marks outgoing links to "unknown" domains as "suspicious" and "might be harmful".

About the half of the indie websites and blogs in a recent newsletter popped up this warning!

How many people are going to ignore this warning or click on Show Details to see that there's *nothing actively harmful* about the site? They just haven't paid their protection money, I guess. 😠

"Suspicious," indeed. Google is flat-out evil.

#google #indieWeb

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