food, annoying emasculation obsessions
It is really embarrassing watching cis guys get obsessed over veganism emasculating them and those around them. Whether they are vegan or are not, it is always there. Completely soaked in unpacked homophobia, misogyny, etc.
Juvenile concerns like thinking it is gay eating a banana without dicing it, "rabbit food" (describing literally any vegetable), protein fitness obsession that denies anything non-meat by dogma (that's gay), etc. Grow up, some of us learned to eat more than dino nuggets, ok?
And SHUT UP about health panacea bullshit that barely hides your sperm count insecurity. It is embarrassing!!! Vegans on that one too! Modern medicine has got ya covered more than dietary change ever will there, you can take some t-boys word for it 🙄
reflections on trusting colonizers
Europeans and USians lecturing the world on trust ought to reflect on what trust means to normal people outside of 'trusting trust'. As it turns out, for normal people trust and respect can allow amazing things to happen, no cryptography required. Never any reflections on why trust is earned or lost, just cryptographic paranoia due to a fundamental lack of social trust in the social context of an individualist free-for-all.
Goal Met!!! thx fediverse, any more money sent if you so choose will go to her other various needs<3
My friend could use some support to get some rest if anyone can spare a bit. Whether has been fucky with all this rain and even just getting a day inside could be really helpful to her.
thanks a ton ^^ boosts greatly appreciated
uspol, president
in Jimmy Carter's final public appearance, they're parading his still-living (yet preemptively mummified) body around the DC metro area for thousands of onlookers to observe, and some lucky few to touch, as though his ancient, withered body bears some holy blessing like the preserved fingers of Catholic saints that disciples of the faith embark on entire pilgrimages to visit. the horrors of the United States government cannot be understated, but even those elected officials in the highest seats of power are, in time, subjects of the bizarre cruelty of this nation. Jimmy Carter is expected to pass in the next few days, likely either from exposure or exhaustion as the shrieking fanatics of the democratic system pile over one another to get a glimpse at his unresting corpse-in-waiting
food, annoying emasculation obsessions
It is really embarrassing watching cis guys get obsessed over veganism emasculating them and those around them. Whether they are vegan or are not, it is always there. Completely soaked in unpacked homophobia, misogyny, etc.
Juvenile concerns like thinking it is gay eating a banana without dicing it, "rabbit food" (describing literally any vegetable), protein fitness obsession that denies anything non-meat by dogma (that's gay), etc. Grow up, some of us learned to eat more than dino nuggets, ok?
And SHUT UP about health panacea bullshit that barely hides your sperm count insecurity. It is embarrassing!!! Vegans on that one too! Modern medicine has got ya covered more than dietary change ever will there, you can take some t-boys word for it 🙄
hey folks. early Christmas morning, our apartment was shot. my bedroom, specifically, while i was in it. this was exactly one day after the upstairs neighbors' unit was shot, and we were in the process of packing to leave when it happened. we are safe with friends, but have yet to secure a new place to live, or go back for all our stuff. this is gonna be a difficult and expensive process, and we are currently unemployed. if you're able to kick even a couple bucks our way, it would help immensely. 💜
After 6 months and about 333 commits I proudly present:
Faircamp 1.0 – A static site generator for audio producers
To recap the highlights of the past months and learn what's new in the final 1.0 release, check out the blog post:
Development of version 1.0 was made possible through the amazing support, funding and expertise of the @NGIZero programme and coalition, led by the @nlnet foundation and financed by the European Commission's @EC_NGI initiative – thank you so much for giving me and everyone benefitting from a better Faircamp this incredible opportunity!
Also, many thanks to all faircampers, contributors, testers, translators, bloggers, podcasters and encouraging voices for supporting this journey - for the final 1.0 release specifically to @branpos for release candidate testing, @n00q for bugreporting/testing, @limebar for the external artist page feature inspiration and @Vac for their diligent translation work.
Along with this release I've published multiple new documentation resources - from an official Linux/macOS/Windows tutorial to a 1.0 migration guide, from an overhauled reference manual to a beginner's guide to publishing faircamp (or any!) static sites - check out the website and recent posts in the #faircamp hashtag to discover them!
That's all!
Þufie BLM
languages: en:✔️ he:~ es:~ ru:~
No longer taking new follow requests.
Reluctant moderator on
or fae/faer/faerself most online member of the system
#yesbot #nobot #noarchive I'm in my 20s, as a Computer Science researcher (Not in "AI" 🙄).
.אין דין ואין דיין. שלום בעולם
Programmer and IT girl. Pseudo-vegan for the environment (-avocados +oysters). Very uncomfortable with astrology. Please don't call me "dude", "bro", "man", etc. Radical egalitarian anarchist, hierarchies and hate are incompatible with a free and equal life . For real though, I'm not gonna tell you to vote or post about political spectacle that is outside our control and in-actionable. Aiming to have a similar amount of internal contradictions as my environment like Ashby's Law of Requisite variety. I am probably stoned on some variety and dosage of cannabinoids if I am awake
if you hate stoners just dni. I am also a trans woman so I *checks notes* meme about femininity and feminization sometimes. After dark account at: @thufieplus but read my bio there before sending a follow request even if we are already mutuals here. Oh and just to be clear because I think I see other white people on here trying to fake not being white under a bunch of other text, I'm just a disoriented white girl trying her best.
Relationship Anarchist
"Freedom" 0 is bullshit! Copyleft for subversion! Fuck RMS!
So try...
A list of licenses which respect OUR freedom:
programming languages?
C++ C MIPS x86 a few others :P