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(I only spun it once, so I take it as a sign, you know?)

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⚠️ while u all might be celebrating something, i'm freaking out about my disabled friends' unfulfilled goals due by the end of the month that have barely made any progress. this is now EXTREMELY URGENT. i am begging u to help me by pasting their links in your search bar and boosting directly or by giving any small amount. :boost_request:

kiamichi is a mom and artist that needs to cover rent to keep her family safe: (141/1500)

raptor is a parent that got fucked over by xyr landlord & has no money for household needs or gifts for xyr kid: (100/300)

octo is finally graduating but is barely scraping by dealing with crippling anxiety from parental abuse. she needs help with monthly bills: (542/1005)

meatmech needs help paying electric, internet, & water bills. their work is insecure right now and they live in a dangerous racist town: (50/250)

tasia has no money for food or her credit card bill: (60/300)

Ain't no rule sayin' a dog can't light a bong off the menorah. That's halacha.

However it is advised to use the shamash and not hover over the whole lit menorah, for safety reasons.

so my roommate and i need a metric fuckload of money to find new housing on a short notice. i do have some more job interviews lined up, but you kinda need money up front to be able to move.

any bit helps, boosts, even cross platform shares, are appreciated

#transcrowdfund #mutualaid #fundraiser

I don't want my only christmas gift to be a masculine perfume so money is appreciated today :nookCapitalism:

Mutual aid, emergency housing needed in western WA 

My queer streamer friends @RachelRox and Xkeeper just had their apartment building shot up and need help finding a new place to stay ASAP. If anyone can provide any tips on where to look or know anywhere available, please let them know. Donations can be made to in the meantime to help with temporary housing and moving expenses. Thank you all

> discussion of the 2 ALDIs and which non-German countries end up with which version

> "im imagining the pokemon red/blue boxart but its aldi"

Me: your imagination is conjured forth from my reality marble: Unlimited Shitpost Works

I was gonna say "how come rich people don't get visited by ghosts any more", but I think if they did, they'd just write a whiny op-ed about it

someone really needs to make an image file format that allows the alt text to be saved along with the image

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