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gort :isopod: , kiniro :bestbeetle: , and king fossil 🦈 having a cuddle

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have you considered becoming a bug
a good choice for any vacation
becoming a bug
for a week or so
eatin fruit or leaves or whatever

you will certainly not regret being a bug

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This is a nap-paganda spreading account
you are not immune to the sleepy

maria boosted

theres a golf mod for doom
hellshots golf

maria boosted

@lyncia many folks fail to understand this, that continuous action with unbounded extent is also a type of Stillness

doom (the 90s video game) 

this is at maximum difficulty for this mod, which doesnt respawn monsters thankfully.

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doom (the 90s video game) 

"thy flesh consumed" continues to be a major difficulty spike compared to the rest of Doom, even using mods like Trailblazer that have modded weaponry. ammo shortages in the first two levels were an interesting challenge.

fully embracing the mishmash of brain thoughts that powers the nonsense machine

professionally nouned you say? gosh how elegant

maria boosted

emergency aid request - please boost ​:boost_requested:

my partner is in need of serious medical intervention. She had what we thought was a very bad sinus infection, turns out that the infection has turned into a mass that is very close to the bottom of her brain.

Since this is a medical situation I have made a post behind a CW that gives more details about the ongoing medical situation.

Link to post with additional details:

I am asking for anyone on fedi to please help us. My partner just barely got hired at a job and only received one paycheck before this happened. I desperately need the funds to be able to get gas go go back and forth to see her and to pay for parking at the hospital (the current hospital charges $18 for parking for 24hrs).

We need money ASAP if at all possible, since tomorrow is a banking holiday this only causes a delay for us. I have cash app and a revolut account that allows for instant money access. Please donate if you can or boost this post. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Revolut -

Cash app -$Caudle

Stripe -

Ko-Fi - #mutualaidrequest #mutualaid #emergencymutalaid #emergencyfunds

a friend shaped creature told this one it has a special flavor of nonsense
or something along those words

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