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have you considered becoming a bug
a good choice for any vacation
becoming a bug
for a week or so
eatin fruit or leaves or whatever

you will certainly not regret being a bug

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This is a nap-paganda spreading account
you are not immune to the sleepy

disabled trans woman asking for grocery money 

Okay, well hey. I'm a neurodivergent trans artist living on disability, and my bank account is in the negative. I could really use like $50 to get some groceries, including razors because I have dysphoria and need to shave. If you want to support me, and have the means, please do, I promise I will use it as claimed. Thanks I really appreciate everyone who cares about folx like me. Keep being awesome. We protect us! :neofox_heart:$leahluvu
#MutualAid #TransMutualAid #DisabilityMutualAid #MastodonForHarris

Jumping on this b/c I've been mulling abt making a post for a while now #MastodonForHarris #MutualAid

I'm trans, unemployed, disabled, and waiting on specific ppl to get back to me about ADHD clinics so I can get treated and back into work.

I am asking for funds for clothing. I currently have only 1 or 2 tshirts and 3 skirts that I cycle through. It would be nice to be able to get some more clothing, at least 1 outfit that is normal and gender-affirming.

Thank you <3

selfcare + 

it helps i attatch funny points to taking care of myself
selfcare scoring
good doll points 😊

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mh - 

great my brain is trying to convince me im a piece of shit for past relationship fuckups

ive already vowed to do better, had immense regret, and havent broken that vow yet. shut the fuck up.

the profile pic is acurrate 99% of the time i am carrying a bug plushie :bestbeetle:

selfcare + 

its taken a while but im rebuilding the habits i lost when i was immesnely dysphoric and depressed.

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PSA: if you're in infosec red teaming an evil maid attack and you are not wearing a maid outfit while doing so, you may not be in full compliance with security standards and best practices

do remember that some industry regulators additionally require testing with cat ears for full certification. some organisations opt to further demonstrate protection against against the ‘moe moe kyun~’ blessing of a machine to auditors, but this is not currently mandatory under any scheme

hmm good day to not be online it seems

go donate to a fundraiser on the BlackMutualAid hashtag or something good god

*grumbling "300k, jesus fucking-"*

this is all ill say about that harris fundraiser thing

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clockwork, magical, electronic, spiritual

all doll girls are valid regardless of their animating principle

giving bug uppies onto a plant 🥰🪲🍎

if theres enough dolls, the power of all of them awawa'ing at once can stun any enemy in a 10 mile radius

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the more dolls in the doll pile, the more powerful it becomes

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