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I wish more people who are worried about FOSS supply side attacks would realize that universal basic income and free healthcare would result in an almost infinite stream of excellent software from people who care more about quality than profit.

The US gov even supports ultra-rich landlords *banning* us Native Hawaiians even renting in Hawaii. This targeted ethnic cleansing is part of why over half of us indigenous Hawaiians don't live in our own land.

Jibal is calling for a solidarity fund to support the people of #Lebanon in these challenging times. Help ppl survive in the face of #Israel ‘s ongoing onslaught.

no context, english accent 

I ſee there are, in this Table, a number of Letters, and different in their Figures and Sizes, pray explain them to me.

Why is it the English Alphabet instead of the English Aybee?

Neither alpha (α) nor bet (ב) are in the latin script used by English?

Israel / Lebanon, climate crisis 

Occupation of southern Lebanon territory is geopolitically advantageous to both Israel and the United States because the 2022 deal brokering shared revenue of the Qana offshore gasfield would no longer be relevant. Even if it were, the agreement has the US brokering any developments should prospectors find more or (more relevantly) borders change. All of this viewed in light of the current slaughter, invasion, and background of climate crisis has a very grim message for the world to come. Not only will extraction and emissions continue as planned, colonial powers will bomb and raze countries towards this end.

Not to say that this is "really all that the invasion is about", but the United States has something of a foreign policy trend in the middle east that regards arabs not retaining oil and gas revenues. Making moves on getting extraction rights via violence, taking on convenient proxies for western extraction operations to take root, all moves within precedent. Other empires seem poised to make similar moves in the future and to pretend as if this does not impact the US support of Israel is wishful thinking.

In an age of extraction and neocolonialism every war is also a resource war. Human lives are cheap in light of imperial affluence and power projection which demands high carbon upkeep. Nobody can be serious about the ongoing climate crisis if they are not firmly anti-war.

The United States is always looking for boogeymen and can never seem to find a mirror

English is such a fun language. You're speaking it for two decades and all of a sudden you stumble over a word such as "weft" and are expected to believe that it's a real thing

I enjoy the posts about birds, nature, philosophy, gay stuff, and science a lot. However, and this may surprise some people (somehow): I am not really here to look through the minutes of the people's revolutionary vote-posting blame allocation committee.
:thufie: 💬

If you’re not scurrying, what are you even doing?

"i can fix her", but its me thinking about the world

the way our society hijacks the definition of 'technology' to mean only the extra-human.

but humans can't make anything that isn't human. computer as non-human is an illusion. technology - as the practice or product of iterative learning and creation - has to be re-seen as fundamentally organic and often invisible. its not 'technologically advanced' to obliterate other people using factories or things made in them, its just crass. tech must be conducive to life. its what i mean by #socialTech

nice always-visible scroll bars should not have disappeared until the computer detects the presence of an input device that can do scrolling (mouse wheel, two-finger drag on a touchpad, etc)
and obtained consent to rely on those instead

gender, ? 

girl but like, the compatible printer ink cartridge instead of original type

I'm so offended and frankly scared by seeing "paleo" plastered over food packaging I won't even steal it. I am not eating food made by cave people roleplayers who knows if they even wash their hands or drink sanitary water.

All my best posts are made with a cat providing me body warmth and allowing my brain to defrost.

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