English is such a fun language. You're speaking it for two decades and all of a sudden you stumble over a word such as "weft" and are expected to believe that it's a real thing

I enjoy the posts about birds, nature, philosophy, gay stuff, and science a lot. However, and this may surprise some people (somehow): I am not really here to look through the minutes of the people's revolutionary vote-posting blame allocation committee.
:thufie: 💬

If you’re not scurrying, what are you even doing?

"i can fix her", but its me thinking about the world

the way our society hijacks the definition of 'technology' to mean only the extra-human.

but humans can't make anything that isn't human. computer as non-human is an illusion. technology - as the practice or product of iterative learning and creation - has to be re-seen as fundamentally organic and often invisible. its not 'technologically advanced' to obliterate other people using factories or things made in them, its just crass. tech must be conducive to life. its what i mean by #socialTech

"yes and you call this your take despite the fact I saw this exact post yesterday"
well i uh....you see i uh..sometimes i uh...excuse me for one moment
"of course"

"good lord what is happening in there?"
uhh, discourse?
"eh... discourse? at this time of day, in this part of the internet, localized entirely within your timeline?"
"may i see it?"

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nice always-visible scroll bars should not have disappeared until the computer detects the presence of an input device that can do scrolling (mouse wheel, two-finger drag on a touchpad, etc)
and obtained consent to rely on those instead

gender, ? 

girl but like, the compatible printer ink cartridge instead of original type

I'm so offended and frankly scared by seeing "paleo" plastered over food packaging I won't even steal it. I am not eating food made by cave people roleplayers who knows if they even wash their hands or drink sanitary water.

All my best posts are made with a cat providing me body warmth and allowing my brain to defrost.

pinned boundaries post 

I'm not really interested in random people following me anymore. If you know me, send me a direct message. Anything else will be denied. Regardless: for people interacting with my public stuff you should know my boundaries.

here are politics I do not vibe with:
- politics
- :tankies:
- 💸 (so-called "market anarchists" or libs)
- nationalism (grow up from wounded fairy tales)
- new age spiritualism / new athiesm
- divorced dad-ism (move on)
- missionaries / evangelists
- white people health cults (you are racist)
- Britishism
- paranoid, insecure settler
- journalist (derogatory)
- your *entire* personality is being an "____ parent"
- hippies
- CIS military apologetica
- cisgender apologetica
- fascism
- stallmanism, OSI and FSF techbro cults
- cable television commentary (I cut the cable for a reason)
- go to the polls! electoralism religious adherent
- resource scarcity-FUD hyper for eco fascists
- primitivism (if you are anti-literacy why are you even logged in lmao go eat berries)
- obviously anything antisemitic or transphobic
- pollsters, quizzers, and petitioners
- anti-piracy (MPAA's hiring, fuckface)
- legal justice system believer (lol, lmao)
- Firstname Lastname LinkedIn
- The person reading this who thinks you can override my boundaries because you are a privileged fuck who has learned to treat others people's priorities as dismissible "requests"
- racist queer people, and not giving a shit when you are told that you are platforming them
- channers
- hippies (again)
- [Broccoli Haters](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H)
- Meritocracy or Technocracy people
- :acab:​ (no feds, cops, enlisted people)
- White westerners getting off on constantly posting un-cw'd gore and genocide news of PoC, calling themselves an activist. You're just an asshole.

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