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anarchist pol, re: all uncw'd usian bullshit in advance 

I just block anyone who argues that (distorted and filtered) demographics legitimize the violence of the state. I fled the south because of the repurcussions of that inane bullshit, so here's your bi-annual advance notice for stupid loud americans going on moral diatribes about elections. So you could say it is a bit personal given the impact this bullshit has had on my life.

Here's an anarchist critique of democracy, just another of many ways of "governing".

Deposit your vote in the replies and I promise I will give it the same serious consideration any government official would 🗨️➡️🚽.

This little rant is nowhere near as much a waste of time as an entire fucking "election year". The purpose of a system is what it does, not your immaterial patriotic bullshit.

A lot of people really like glitchy image aesthetics, but i've noted that image editing tools for adding glitchy effects, or at least what shows up in search results, are kind of bad. I thought I'd share a link to the tool which originally got me into glitch art back in 2012 by Paul Hertz. GlitchSort2 is a bespoke old school java GUI that simultaneously works with command line input/output with dedicated keybinds. It is not the most intuitive UI, but it offers the best array of databending and glitch art techniques in one tool I've ever seen, and certainly doesn't require uploading your image to a website! The original blog and download are either down or unreliable, so here is a wayback machine snapshot of the page. Take your time exploring everything it can do, nothing much better has been made since.

dog chiropractor, kink adjacent?! sillypost, sfw 

bad puppyboys get sent to the animal cracker @ezri

I hope I get to live long enough to witness the groverhaus of the sea


Well I guess there isn't explicitly piss, but...

Anyways yeah I hate these talking flowers so much. I wish I could turn them off.


Who did it better? (left image is an official US Govt Meme about 9/11)

You know I could probably read both Talmuds before catching up on One Piece. So I'm not really sure it is fair as a show recommendation. Maybe as a life choice?

marginalized people are the stable bedrock of sturdy projects of theory and praxis. lean-in feminism never even hired a geotechnical engineer to inspect the foundations.

At this rate I might have to have 4 different login sessions for different purposes on wayland and X11, KDE and Gnome. I think I might end up like one of those weirdos wearing the display privacy hood late at night at this rate.

check out my personal website to see a few updates I've added maybe? There is a new donation button design I made others may be interested in.

food (I am vegan so assume if you are vegan these are vegan) 

Select your gender of handheld food:

geography (mostly US) 

New Berlin,

I was looking at the Hebrew Wikipedia page for the Roswell Incident and found this beautiful computer graphics abstract representation of the "crash site".

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.