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ThufieFilms Premiere:
[YTP] Wilcock's Age of Wonders

Here is the PeerTube link:

YouTube mirror (with more of a Google-safe post-credits image, but otherwise identitcal):


I put a lot of work into manually making the English captions, so if you have trouble with un-captioned YouTubePoops, don't worry! Technically this is a PTP? A PeerTubePoop? This is on a new PeerTube channel from my last one, since the old instance is shutting down and I'm moving away from doing video game commentary stuff. Edits are much more fun for me.

favorite weirdly all encompassing linux media command?

Capitalism is why the ebooks on libgen cannot link directly into each other like websites. This pisses me off. I cannot click the book because of CAPITALISM.

You are interested in going on a date. Here are your options. Make your choice 🤡😈

some abstract digital art 

Kid Pix! Kid Pix! It's fun to play with Kid Pix! Yeah! :ralseiblunt: (my wife @twisted helped make this)

vegan "food" 

I am contemplating the forbidden vegan salami

My cats have stolen our little hand-sized gay pride flag so often they are gonna end up chewing through the stick where they pick it up in their mouths.


silly, emojis 

Are you capable of using this poll? I am doing my Phd tomorrow! Thanks in advance! 💋🙏🙌

Q: Can you use this poll?


An army of cats is here to nap on you for warmth, do you accept?

Hairless cat...

Emacs on Android guide and overview 

Install Termux from the emacs Sourceforge first for userland tools. Your emacs app will share a shared app user id and signature with Termux to access its applications with a path variable in a shared home directory, so you get them both built from the same source to avoid package signature conflicts. You cannot do this with the F-Droid version of either app. Make sure your new Termux environment from sourceforge is up to date before you install emacs.

Next check out the README from
for further instructions. But basically grab a Termux apk and a Emacs apk from the "termux" directory in this sourceforge project for your android version. The command 'uname -m' in an adb shell will tell you your device architecture. Install and setup Termux first, then emacs. Allow management of all files in both apps with app info. Configure emacs early-init config like the README tells you, and viola. Here is a screenshot showing It works, in my current emacs phone config. You pinch zoom to resize text per buffer, and the menus work on touchscreen. Keyboard pops up when a buffer is writeable, and can be configured to be always visible. You can have modifier key mode bar buttons too.
:emacs: 📲

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.