I was talking with one of the old ladies in shul about how, when she was a younger programmer, when she finished and checked over a subroutine she would strap her punchcards to the back of her motorcycle to go test it,
and I think it's nice to know and be able to keep that perspective of, like, I don't need to worry about how cool I am or try to be because I will never be that cool.
4 years ago I convinced the HOA board to leave the leaf litter for the insects to winter in.
Now every summer we have so many fireflies.
New guy just moved in and asked if he should rake up the common areas.
A literal child stood up to say that he shouldn't because they will not have summer fireflies if he does.
So proud of the little one starting to advocate for the world they want to live in.
6 years told and already learning how to get things done.
The leaves will stay.
wandered around Target trying to find skincare stuff
spent an annoyingly long time in the personal care section looking at all the beard oils and shaving creams and body wash
about to give up, I had a brain wave. walked down to the cosmetic section and found the skincare
I guess it's personal care if you're a guy and cosmetic skincare if you're a woman
Þufie BLM
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No longer taking new follow requests.
Reluctant moderator on social.pixie.town
or fae/faer/faerself most online member of the system
#yesbot #nobot #noarchive I'm in my 20s, as a Computer Science researcher (Not in "AI" 🙄).
.אין דין ואין דיין. שלום בעולם
Programmer and IT girl. Pseudo-vegan for the environment (-avocados +oysters). Very uncomfortable with astrology. Please don't call me "dude", "bro", "man", etc. Radical egalitarian anarchist, hierarchies and hate are incompatible with a free and equal life . For real though, I'm not gonna tell you to vote or post about political spectacle that is outside our control and in-actionable. Aiming to have a similar amount of internal contradictions as my environment like Ashby's Law of Requisite variety. I am probably stoned on some variety and dosage of cannabinoids if I am awake
if you hate stoners just dni. I am also a trans woman so I *checks notes* meme about femininity and feminization sometimes. After dark account at: @thufieplus but read my bio there before sending a follow request even if we are already mutuals here. Oh and just to be clear because I think I see other white people on here trying to fake not being white under a bunch of other text, I'm just a disoriented white girl trying her best.
Relationship Anarchist
"Freedom" 0 is bullshit! Copyleft for subversion! Fuck RMS!
So try...
A list of licenses which respect OUR freedom:
programming languages?
C++ C MIPS x86 a few others :P