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UAE ministry of culture game for kids on steam called "Emirati Tales" has a very funny and dry delivery trailer.

Is there a simple way of making sure that a non-interactive shell on Linux can never execute a specific program?

Shitty applications will find impressive ways to ignore your browser defaults and try opening a chrome browser at the worst times (or even try to overwrite the default). I want to make sure that my user, from an interactive shell, can be the only way a chromium based browser ever gets executed. Is that too much to ask? Ideally in a way that prevents its automatic discoverability so it isn't even an option in context menus and so on...

Modern user-friendly linux distros should use another tty, like maybe tty1, to run a minimal second display server that provides a windows-style graphical "Ctrl+Alt+Del" menu with a task manager and power menu.

It should be as easy as Ctrl+Alt+F1 and clicking an unresponsive task to get back to work for new users. Teaching newbies how to use top and kill just doesn't cut it. This is supposed to be able to supplant competing desktops and there is no equivalent function.

"As BIack women we find any type of biological determinism a particularly dangerous and reactionary basis upon which to build a politic. We must also question whether Lesbian separatism is an adequate and progressive political analysis and strategy, even for those who practice it, since it so completely denies any but the sexual sources of women’s oppression, negating the facts of class and race."

– The Combahee River Collective Statement (1977).

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I was a jailer for two years. Not proud of it, I needed the money.

One of the repeat offenders we had was an old man who was HIV positive. He went to jail several times while I was working there and always for the same thing. He would shoplift items from a store while in full view of a cop. This old man had a cane and could barely walk. There was no way he expected to get away with it.

After he was arrested we had to process him and the medical questions always led back to his HIV diagnosis. The state provided him with his HIV medication while he was awaiting trial where he always pleaded guilty. He was always released after serving less than 60 days pretrial. Upon release, he was given six months worth of his HIV medications (which he needed to survive) and he would shoplift again when he ran out of medication.

It would have been cheaper for the state to just give him the medications without him needing to be part of the criminal justice system first.

He was shoplifting so he could stay alive.

#Healthcare #luigimangione #denydefenddepose #Anticapitalism #EatTheRich

Imagine you have a foot that secretes acid, which you use to dissolve away solid rock to make a burrow. Now imagine some scientists want to prove you do this. They put some pH-sensing foil under you and really hope you'll cooperate and leave your footprint on it. You chuckle and do so, leaving a funny smooch-shaped impression on the foil. This is how it was proven that the boring giant clam uses acid to make its burrow, decreasing local pH by ~2 units! #clamFacts

Chao Adventure was apparently recognising non-binary folk way back in 1999.

You can help by doing your shart!
Shitting guarantees citizenship.

Help Nina, a trans woman move out of Texas to Washington by July, 2025. Money will be used for rent and down payment as she tries to find a stable job.

"Texas is beginning to pass harsher and more dangerous legislation that directly effects me as a trans woman. My identity is not legally recognized and most recently, Odessa (where I go to meet my endocrinologist for HRT) has recently passed a bathroom ban targeted at transgender individuals that can result in us paying up to $10,500 usd."

Goal: 325/8000 dollars


Tags: #GTFOmyState #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #crowdfunding #fundraising

i read the phrase "white monster energy" on my tl earlier and it took a beat to determine if it was about systemic racial bias, super lewd, or caffeine drink

AI spongebob is teaching me how to cuss in polish

Type of guy who thinks secret black budget military spending goes to Stargate instead of coke.

just saw a guy on the bus with a hat that said "kill your local twitch streamer"

As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

I’ve highlighted the important bits of Assad’s first statement since fleeing Syria like a coward

HEY. to anyone who posts on youtube: please turn this off. i don't have to explain why

girls that get along because they are the same dog breed

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