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really just got asked by my coworker if I'm in my butch era lmao

שלטים מההפגנה הערב בשדרות בן ציון מול דיזנגוף סנטר
Image descriptions contain English translation where needed
צילומים: צביקה

Random bright LEDs on charger bricks and cables and random cheap electronics accessories are so irritating. I really value being able to have a dark room when I turn off the lights. Do other people not have issues in a room full of blinkenlights and pulsating LED strips? Is sleeping with lots of annoying lights on around you 24/7 being so normalized that manufacturers don't even realize this is an anti feature?

I have to take the time to tape over, or otherwise obscure the LEDs whenever they are where people sleep (which is most rooms in my tiny place). It is infuriating and makes it look like cheap crap that is half-broken from day-one after getting it.

I am including a poll. Does this bother you too? Do you see a utility in these weird lights? Do you not mind lights being on while you sleep? Falling asleep with a TV or monitor on would be in the same category of not minding these lights in my mind. Reply if you disagree or have more nuance to include.

As things stand, my payment from work is finally processing and should hit next week, I've been told. In the meantime I've got about $80 in my account and therapy this Thursday is $110, so if anyone wants to help me make that (+ a lil gas and groceries), it's always appreciated. 💚🍀$sotreu2

#MutualAid #TransCrowdFund #BlackMutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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Abolish governmental recordkeeping and replace it with dimly remembered lore

Ok so here’s something everyone should be aware of:

Computer mice are facing you.
The wire is the mouse’s tail, right?

That means those things you push down on aren’t buttons,

they’re buttocks.

LMB= Left Mouse Buttock
RMB = Right Mouse Buttock

"tactical advisor to the german government extraterrestrials"

I very much do not want to get fucked over by my overdraft and I unfortunately only have an hour to deal with this. If I can meet this goal I will go into the woods tomorrow and gather at least one bag of trash. Please signal boost!

The Price Of Zines Is Too Damn High - Special $20 Limited Edition

will be available at Midwest Queer/Trans Zine Fest, October 19-20

you can read the regular edition here (i have not figured out how to attach $20 via archive dot org yet)

"nsfw" "sfw" forget this I'm making a "swf" account. you must have flash player installed to see this content

The term "greenwashing" is thrown around a lot, but one place it really applies which isn't as widely recognized as it should be is plastic recycling, and in particular using it as a justification for single-use plastic:

California accuses ExxonMobil of lying about plastics being recyclable

The state alleges the oil company deceived “the public to convince us that plastic recycling could solve the plastic waste and pollution crisis.”

Type of techbro who is very upset at the Protocol on Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices Sub-section of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. He keeps coming up with internet of things gadgets that violate it.

ph ~ 

Had to miss a meeting but my migraine went away. An ibuprofen, water, and an eye mask really help me get through the bad ones.


Infinite Energy Magazine

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