
Random bright LEDs on charger bricks and cables and random cheap electronics accessories are so irritating. I really value being able to have a dark room when I turn off the lights. Do other people not have issues in a room full of blinkenlights and pulsating LED strips? Is sleeping with lots of annoying lights on around you 24/7 being so normalized that manufacturers don't even realize this is an anti feature?

I have to take the time to tape over, or otherwise obscure the LEDs whenever they are where people sleep (which is most rooms in my tiny place). It is infuriating and makes it look like cheap crap that is half-broken from day-one after getting it.

I am including a poll. Does this bother you too? Do you see a utility in these weird lights? Do you not mind lights being on while you sleep? Falling asleep with a TV or monitor on would be in the same category of not minding these lights in my mind. Reply if you disagree or have more nuance to include.

@thufie I'm with you, tho with the caveat of the occasional use case of, for example, needing to find the thing in the dark (usually: phone charger) or finding the thing while camping. i wish this "feature" on electronics would have an on/off toggle, or else come with a lil slider that you could move over the light. once I am asleep light usually doesn't bother me. But falling asleep, especially with flickering lights is a pain

@thufie If they are steady and relatively dim I am not bothered. If they are bright enough to see by, or blink in any way, then I have issues.

@thufie I find some of them to be already too bright when not trying to sleep. I often replace the LEDs with less bright, less harshly colored ones or, if I can't, tape mylar over them to dim the light (and because I like personalizing my stuff in way to complicated ways).

@thufie blue LEDs end me, every other color is fine, I usually just put a few layers of capton tape over them, that makes them still visible but not room illuminating

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