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my life would be so much easier if I could look at my Sims need bars and see which one is low

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Here is my Patreon. It is where you can support me and my family and get access to editing files from our videos.

We've just been barely scraping by. Anything you could spare would help. Job applications keep going into the void, and regular work has been hard for us to find.

YOOOO FEDI! i saw another masker in public for the first time in 2024, fuck yeah!!!!

life was bad but one day I woke up and decided to be a baddie

life is still bad but at least I'm a baddie :isabelleGlasses:

A friend of mine Is fostering some kittens and I’m overwhelmed by the cuteness 💗 💗 💗

I will definitely be posting more pics of these cuties

#Kittens #KittensOfMastodon #Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastondon

condolences to all kids upset about going back to school today. remember you have more power than you think, hope you can fuck some shit up there!

Lawnmower man 2 uses the term "jack off" to refer to logging off of the computer. fun movie

someday element mobile app (and/or schildichat) will actually have a "go to unread" button that works and doesn't create a weird loading loop 🙄

tree cutting was invented by the eponymous "lumber jack" who felled the first tree in the fifteenth century

@waldoj I work in recycling. No one wants plastic. This greenwashing has been known for years among insiders and people who dug into it but I'm glad to see it getting wider reporting!

I even made a meme a couple years back:

US military jarhead voice 

*Hyping up the troops*
"We're gonna lose a soldier today!"

Marines: "Hoo rah!"

*boarding the ospreys which all simultaneously crash*

Today in 2016, NFL Player Colin Kaepernick kneels during national anthem to protest racist police violence inspiring many other professional athletes to do the same.

Button featured can be found here:

also stop fucking thinking that because a space is queer = safe

because it really isn't


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