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you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

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you want more women in IT? i didnt know italy had a shortage of women!

Anything with natural grape flavoring can satisfy the shabbat evening prayer requirement for wine.

Therefore: Grape Ramune Soda
(weird shop on the way home didn't have kedem sparkling grape juice)


:trans_heart: mutual aid help needed :trans_heart:

hey all. i need help. i cant afford rent for me and my partner.

im a trans woman in a red state (indiana). i was fired from my job eleven months ago for being trans. ive been diligently job hunting this entire time, but no one wants to hire a trans woman in this hellhole. my disabled partner cannot work, either. we're really desperate here. we would deeply appreciate anything anyone can do to help us stay off the street.

my venmo is


latest update:

#mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidmonday #transcrowdfund

"Perhaps I can understand Herbert’s work as a product of his time, but I don’t see how to excuse Villeneuve for perpetuating these stereotypes sixty years later."

to destroy racism, one must learn about racism and the best way for them to do so is somehow to ask a Black person what racism means to them?

go read a fucking book that is not about computer science maybe

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The Price! Of Zines! Is TOO DAMN HIGH!

Spurred by my encounter with a $20 zine at a Milwaukee bookshop, "The Price of Zines is Too Damn High" is my antagonization of boutique zinester culture. It argues in favor or a return to the roots of zines as a noncommercial means of expression and communication for marginalized communities and crews.

(It's also the first time I've collaged and hand-written a #zine for quite a while... it was fun! and it has lotsa #cats too)

You can view the whole thing and find a ready-to-print version (free to use, of course) here:

Nothing tells me that your tech department sucks quite as readily as “this page works best in chrome”

"I'm not joking when I tell you that multiple men have asked me, a cís woman, if I'm trans because I'm strong (especially after posting this photo). This was always the end game for transphobes, to define a dated and oppressive definition of womanhood."

(Egyptian climber Dr Heidy Khlaaf)

#patriarchy #misogyny #feminism #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer #nonbinary

Hey check this out -fires a warning shot across your bow as you are sailing into disputed waters-

I finally managed to fix the dreaded account mixup bug #tuskydev

-sees a lizard being happy- oh my gosh… 🦎💚

fast facts about Gamera!

- he is friend to all children!
- he is really neat!
- he is full of turtle meat!

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idk why people idealize hot robot girls. High thermals are not a healthy beauty standard.

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