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means testing doesn't stop determined fraudsters,

but they're an insignificant minority of applicants to government aid programs to begin with.

what means testing does do is convince people who need help that asking the government for help isn't worth the time or effort, and then provide an excuse to cut funding to said means-tested programs due to an artificially depressed number of applicants.


they are only blobcats because they're subjected to earth's gravity and they're squishing against the ground

if you took a blobcat to space it would become an orbcat

You can also give a shit, which people tend to like, but only when it’s metaphorical

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Why do we say we’re “taking” a shit when we’re leaving it behind?

mutual aid post, please help 


i am so, so grateful for you people

#Mastodon4Harris #MastodonForHarris #MutualAid

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shouting "granada!" and throwing an entire spanish city at your opponent

does "big if true" imply there's also "tiny if false"?


@astra_underscore I saw a comment somewhere that was like "20's mafia goons didn't come up with all those euphemisms for death for you to just use 'unalive'"

cannabis, flowering plant, Trypophobia warning 

Sometimes I make really good pictures :o

#photography #cannabis

@AgathaSorceress where enterprise donut? I need entertain business students

drug mention, nonsense 

The end is N[yQuil]

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.