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Hey everyone,

Still in emergency but less thanks to you. We're at peace for the weekend, since we've been able to pay most of our bills, and get stuff for the pets.

If we pay more, we won't be able to eat, though.

Still a few hundreds to raise:

Any help is still deeply appreciated, as always. Thanks, friends ♥️ :boost_ok:

Illustration by @MxVerda, thank you!



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I like that fedora used dnf, the duke nukem forever package manager

Nortel faked their numbers? Do you really think that -- that a company would go and lie to their investors??

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the two shul cantors passive aggressively arguing about whether to include the matriarchs


me skipping the patriarchs

Kink, CNC, horrid, ??????, no 

Having 9.4 METRIC TONS OF LOAM TOPSOIL shoved down my throat forcefully 🥺

seeing kiddos on the train gives me hope that one day, they too could grow up to be just as much of a fucking freak as I am

These oversized american vehicles are getting out of control! How can someone justify buying something big enough to crack the pavement just to pick up groceries or go to their office job?!

I bet this thing has never even seen mud. It's useless for doing any actual work. Its practically designed just for killing pedestrians and I think that shows exactly how much the landlord class in America values the lives of you and me and anyone else they see as beneath them.

#mecha #keimech

If you insist on removing the headphones jack then give us two USB ports you cowards

When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong - faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget the precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it's too late.

In a rich man's Germany, there is no place to piss but his face

fundraiser for an african family trying to rebuild their house after a natural disaster 

Personally i would never fix a bug i would only kiss a bug and by doing so make her Worse

they're not installing fibher optics because they know i respect women too much to lie to them

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dit is m'n katje. zijn naam is "bestia" ("beest" in Pools)

hij is 6 maanden oud en hij vindt kabeltjes leuk

#cat #CatsOfMastodon #caturday

Who called it "trimming your pubic hair" and not "Bush administration"

goal met tysm!!! 🖤

hey there! it's me, vanta, fedi's favorite punk instance admin

i need $100 to order groceries, $60 for medical weed, $35 for my phone bill, $20 for GERD meds, and $20 for various things like bus fare ($235 total)

i'm currently unemployed and job searching and couch surfing. i'm also an impoverished neurodivergent trans woman just trying to survive and find stability. details here:






GFM (laser):

patreon (monthly):

thank you so much 🖤 🥹

#MutualAid #TransCrowdFund

by the way, it's your duty to fill your story with lines that you think go so fucking hard, even if you think nobody else will think so

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