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anti-piracy ad be like, you wouldn't date a siren who lures sailors to their death

The CGT is organising a fundraiser to aid people affected by the devastating floods in Valencia. If you're able, please send some money their way, or at least give this a share.

IBAN: ES7831590018112755192826
Beneficiary: CGT Valencia
Message: Solidaritat Valencia

"why u always lookinat that shark does it know smth i don't" - trit

It blows my mind to see how extensive Chicago's streetcar system was before it was destroyed. We had a public network of fully electric vehicles without the drawbacks of batteries and rubber tires, and we had it over 100 years ago. While I do think Chicago's buses are currently underappreciated and underutilized, it's still sad to think what we could have had if we had improved what already existed instead of tearing it all up.

#chicago #transit

I always for get to make youth liberation zines to hand out to trick or treaters

🌟 < ? why would you resist þe urge? look at þe bird 🌟

food mention 

The chivalrous gig economy:

"Drop down your hair Rapunzel I will deliverith a pizza to thee!"

You should ask your alien hybrid friends how their transition is going 👽

bring back the four humors I wasn't done huffing them yet

Cat photos to sweeten the deal! 

Please accept these cat photos as a token of my appreciation for reading/boosting my post

I had accidentally forgotten to export the most up to date subtitles for Wilcock in Artic-Lantis, so now it should be a bit clearer!

New Video!

A revised edit of the second video in the David Wilcock saga is now on YouTube on the new channel.

Wilcock in Artic-Lantis

Featuring a new musical outro!

Also available on PeerTube:

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.