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something about the pharmacists saying "bless you" to each other and sneezing without masks during a respiratory virus pandemic really screams medieval


linux users teaching windows users how to pirate and dual boot a debloated activated windows LTSC with a selection of trustworthy base application recommendations is harm reduction.

vividlope is SO good by the way. very fun, has strong arcade vibes similar to Super Monkey Ball, and the gameplay is generally just a chaotic mess. but like, in the best way

Completely Useless Legislation, Exhibit A:

Hungary has a new law that students have to surrender their phones at school. The phones have to be locked up, hauled around in safety boxes by teachers etc. Students get them back at the end of the day.

A friend of mine teaches high school. He noticed that when students get their phones back, they don't even turn them on, just toss them in their bag.

Decoy phones.

Seriously, no one thought about this?...

easier to create new conditions for discovering software bugs when you are a little tipsy and can do things slightly off from how you usually operate

re: plans tonight 

nvm on the National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Not enough liquor to get through this godawful shit lmao

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when ya huff the luminiferous aether it is like whippets

re: plans tonight 

nvm on the Garbage EP. First track was okay but I am not sure I like the new pacing

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plans tonight 

listening to the new Garbage EP (from 4 months ago) and watching National Treasure: Book of Secrets with some badly-corked red wine, a modest pour of whiskey, pocorn, and burnt vape cotton. Cheers.

things Kesha predicted: 


really just got asked by my coworker if I'm in my butch era lmao

שלטים מההפגנה הערב בשדרות בן ציון מול דיזנגוף סנטר
Image descriptions contain English translation where needed
צילומים: צביקה

Random bright LEDs on charger bricks and cables and random cheap electronics accessories are so irritating. I really value being able to have a dark room when I turn off the lights. Do other people not have issues in a room full of blinkenlights and pulsating LED strips? Is sleeping with lots of annoying lights on around you 24/7 being so normalized that manufacturers don't even realize this is an anti feature?

I have to take the time to tape over, or otherwise obscure the LEDs whenever they are where people sleep (which is most rooms in my tiny place). It is infuriating and makes it look like cheap crap that is half-broken from day-one after getting it.

I am including a poll. Does this bother you too? Do you see a utility in these weird lights? Do you not mind lights being on while you sleep? Falling asleep with a TV or monitor on would be in the same category of not minding these lights in my mind. Reply if you disagree or have more nuance to include.

As things stand, my payment from work is finally processing and should hit next week, I've been told. In the meantime I've got about $80 in my account and therapy this Thursday is $110, so if anyone wants to help me make that (+ a lil gas and groceries), it's always appreciated. 💚🍀$sotreu2

#MutualAid #TransCrowdFund #BlackMutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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