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חברות וחברי הגוש הרדיקלי הפגינו בסינמטק ת״א בזמן שהתקיים באולם כנס שמקדם אג׳נדות פאשיסטיות בשם ״רוח אחרת״. הפעילים מסרו ותיעדו כי שוטר חמוש ללא תג שם קילל וירק על מפגין אחד, בעוד אחד ממבקרי הכנס קרא כי ״רק טרנספר יביא שלום״. אזרח אחר קרא לאחת המפגינות ״כלבה״.

מחברות הגוש הרדיקלי נמסר: "לא נפסיק לדרוש שוויון וצדק לכולן מהירדן לים ואפס טולרנטיות לפאשיזם!"

*זו הדרך - קול שמאלי מהשטח*

I think the anti-civ distro table nerds and the Leninist newspaper dorks should practice using vernacular English together as a get-along activity designed to make them both less intolerably verbose.

Red Flag orgs -

Reconstituting the True Communist Party for Over 30 years!

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i dont think this is getting the intended message across to non-technical audiences

everyone is so intolerant of a woman who's comfortable in her salinity

kids these days need some better forms of trouble to get into

The Christians against Palestine are at war with the Christians for Palestine. This Crusade is going well already!

Fun fact: Communist revolution triggers the ending credits for real life

There appears to be an intense discussion taking place between khaki shorts american flag guy and Khmer Rouge cosplayer. Perhaps an arms deal?

dear leftists I'm not reading your ten thousand word manifesto. make your zines concise and fun to look at. get silly with it or I'll kill you

Type of socialist that makes a point of being super friendly and PR-brained with the cops at the demonstration. So you start an ACAB chant.

I am pretty sure the Khmer Rouge guy was wearing glasses in his weird getup lmao

edit: Don't worry I won't narc to Pol Pot

DNC discounts up to 100% off are available at retailers in the Chicago area these coming days. No need to mention it at checkout or present a coupon, its on the White House!

:nonbanarchy: MUTUAL AID HELP NEEDED - UPDATE 1 :nonbanarchy:

hello, i am a trans woman in a red state and my disabled enby spouse and i are facing possible homelessness. i lost my job one year ago due to transphobic upper management, and while i am diligently job hunting and getting interviews, no one wants to hire a trans. while i am still putting forth my best effort, we need to keep a roof over our head.


thats why i come to you to ask your assistance, fedi. we have expenses other than rent- food, utilities, credit payments, insurance, that kinda thing that we also need to keep going- that we believe we can cover by other means. and the excess from those will also go to rent. but we need your support to make rent happen.


please, im trying so hard. and so many of you have been so helpful. once i have a job again, i want to give back so much to the community in every way i can, i will never take any of your help for granted. can you help us?


my venmo is


ive gotten two donations so far, and i thank you both. and i thank everyone who helped me so much last month. but i need a lot more help, and would appreciate anything you can give, even if it's just another boost.

60/1150 :cyber_heart_purple: :heart_cyber:


#mutualAid #mutualAidRequest #transCowdfund #mutualAidMonday #mastodonForHarris

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