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save the pollinators
leave some water out with like, stones in it (big enough to be above water) so bees can get some water safely in these hot days.

this message brought to you by :marilove: bug princess

Excuse me!
Can I please get some hype for the next generation of goop!!?

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Get home.
Feed pets.
Plug in Wii U so it doesn't die randomly.

Forum moderator telling the Talmudic commentators to "stop necroposting in old threads"

dhaeleena has been taken aback by the demon CUCUMBER (as cats do)

Linux graphics question 

duperemove on my arch system which uses BTRFS seems to find a lot of shader cache files to deduplicate. Anyone know why there'd be so many pre-compiled mesa shader matches? Common shaders used in different games maybe?

you know what else? the charging port should be an easily replaced standard module.

we dont have to go full modular phone, that hasnt worked the last few times people tried but like, things like charging port and screen should be standard, easily replaced parts by now since those are the parts that break the most

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you want more women in IT? i didnt know italy had a shortage of women!

Anything with natural grape flavoring can satisfy the shabbat evening prayer requirement for wine.

Therefore: Grape Ramune Soda
(weird shop on the way home didn't have kedem sparkling grape juice)


:trans_heart: mutual aid help needed :trans_heart:

hey all. i need help. i cant afford rent for me and my partner.

im a trans woman in a red state (indiana). i was fired from my job eleven months ago for being trans. ive been diligently job hunting this entire time, but no one wants to hire a trans woman in this hellhole. my disabled partner cannot work, either. we're really desperate here. we would deeply appreciate anything anyone can do to help us stay off the street.

my venmo is


latest update:

#mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #mutualaidmonday #transcrowdfund

"Perhaps I can understand Herbert’s work as a product of his time, but I don’t see how to excuse Villeneuve for perpetuating these stereotypes sixty years later."

to destroy racism, one must learn about racism and the best way for them to do so is somehow to ask a Black person what racism means to them?

go read a fucking book that is not about computer science maybe

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