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The Price! Of Zines! Is TOO DAMN HIGH!

Spurred by my encounter with a $20 zine at a Milwaukee bookshop, "The Price of Zines is Too Damn High" is my antagonization of boutique zinester culture. It argues in favor or a return to the roots of zines as a noncommercial means of expression and communication for marginalized communities and crews.

(It's also the first time I've collaged and hand-written a #zine for quite a while... it was fun! and it has lotsa #cats too)

You can view the whole thing and find a ready-to-print version (free to use, of course) here:

Nothing tells me that your tech department sucks quite as readily as “this page works best in chrome”

"I'm not joking when I tell you that multiple men have asked me, a cís woman, if I'm trans because I'm strong (especially after posting this photo). This was always the end game for transphobes, to define a dated and oppressive definition of womanhood."

(Egyptian climber Dr Heidy Khlaaf)

#patriarchy #misogyny #feminism #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer #nonbinary

@Black_Flag they are seethingly jealous of your ledge hanging abilities

Hey check this out -fires a warning shot across your bow as you are sailing into disputed waters-

I finally managed to fix the dreaded account mixup bug #tuskydev

-sees a lizard being happy- oh my gosh… 🦎💚

fast facts about Gamera!

- he is friend to all children!
- he is really neat!
- he is full of turtle meat!

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idk why people idealize hot robot girls. High thermals are not a healthy beauty standard.

hey, wanna play some- [SMACKS KITCHEN COUNTER] -counter strike?

RENT MADE! ✨🙌🙌🙌🙌

spoke with my landlord, hes OK with me paying him tomorrow and he even thanked me for coming in person to talk 🙏😭😭

also if yall dont mind imma log off for the rest of the day-- i have a doctors appointment and other errands to run 😭

please donate to Merlin. they have been living in poverty for their entire life and now, they have an opportunity to finally escape it! once and possibly for all! can't you imagine how few of us even get a chance to do this??? please help them. i want them to survive, i want them to thrive. please

#MutualAid #Mastodon4Harris #MastodonForHarris


Hey babe can you please stop planting fissile materials on me?


There's a paradox of voting, where people in the US are convinced that if they try really hard, they can prevent bad things from happening, but they'll look at you like you have two heads if you suggest they use this power to make something good happen.

But seriously, this fits in with what [little] I know about taboo and ritual from studying anthropology. This same type of taboo comes up in Computer Security too. Rules have to be simple if the punishment is being shunned...

USPol, I swear to fucking G-d if I see another so-called "anarchist" doing this shit... 

Online "anarchists" are so brain poisoned by infighting that they call anti-electoralists and more situationist types "feds" for contesting voting and the spectacle of political theater.

Wouldn't an actual fed want you to keep voting? In the 'Fed'eral elections, perhaps? Or do you believe some leftist variant of the "deep state" conspiracy? Like right wingers secretly control the government and want you to not vote? because... even though they are already in power... that matters? Somehow? I mean, wouldn't it make more sense for them to astroturf for candidates and your right to vote if it actually mattered to them? Why would they undermine their own legitimacy?

It really doesn't make sense no matter how you think about it. You have to be living in your specific make-believe world to make it all add up. The real explanation is much simpler. Liberals are trained to call anyone who disagrees with the ruling ideology a "bot" or some kind of "extremist" and this phenomenon is the importation of that into the leftist and anarchist scene. So cut it out and embrace that a diversity of tactics includes people who think your votes don't matter based on lived experience. If voting matters to you, just go do it instead of sticking around and yelling "Fed!". Making yourself look stupid...

Maybe if their energy were spent on activism instead of fed-jacketing all the anarchists who should have obvious reasons to distrust participation in government. Maybe, then, they'd have done something other than voting during the campaign sensationalism year.!

But logging on for inactivist accusations and subscribing to the fears of missing out in participatory democracy is clearly much more productive! /s

re: silly, nsfw, pee, weird gender binarism, fertility 

@thufieplus this is how to promote a lewd account correctly. btw.

silly, nsfw, pee, weird gender binarism, fertility 

Guys just want a sink-pissing gamer girlfriend who understands the vital fertility importance of needing "to go super-sayan" before achieving orgasm

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