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pinned boundaries post 

I'm not really interested in random people following me anymore. If you know me, send me a direct message. Anything else will be denied. Regardless: for people interacting with my public stuff you should know my boundaries.

here are politics I do not vibe with:
- politics
- :tankies:
- 💸 (so-called "market anarchists" or libs)
- nationalism (grow up from wounded fairy tales)
- new age spiritualism / new athiesm
- divorced dad-ism (move on)
- missionaries / evangelists
- white vegan health cults (you are racist)
- Britishism
- paranoid, insecure settler
- journalist (derogatory)
- your *entire* personality is being an "____ parent"
- hippies
- CIS military apologetica
- cisgender apologetica
- fascism
- stallmanism, OSI and FSF techbro cults
- cable television commentary (I cut the cable for a reason)
- go to the polls! electoralism religious adherent
- resource scarcity-FUD hyper for eco fascists
- primitivism (if you are anti-literacy why are you even logged in lmao go eat berries)
- obviously anything antisemitic or transphobic
- pollsters, quizzers, and petitioners
- anti-piracy (MPAA's hiring, fuckface)
- legal justice system believer (lol, lmao)
- Firstname Lastname LinkedIn
- The person reading this who thinks you can override my boundaries because you are a privileged fuck who has learned to treat others people's priorities as dismissible "requests"
- racist queer people, and not giving a shit when you are told that you are platforming them
- channers
- hippies (again)
- [Broccoli Haters](
- Meritocracy or Technocracy people
- :acab:​ (no feds, cops, enlisted people)
- White westerners getting off on constantly posting un-cw'd gore and genocide news of PoC, calling themselves an activist. You're just an asshole.

:hahe: It makes me happy when you are hurt! ha he!

labor is not being automated 

@thufie pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

labor is not being automated 

This isn't universal, this is just a pattern I've noticed.

I think a lot of people think they are being replaced by a machine. Whether it is creative workers or everyday laborers, in more and more of their tasks. I would like to offer an alternative explanation, as technology is not magic, and often comes with a huge maintenance burden.

Modern labor issues ought to highlight how much corporations want to replace a mass of moderately-trained employees with an extremely specialized and overextended set of maintenance specialists. It's not "AI" it isn't "IoT", it's not "self-service", it is small traveling crews of IT maintenance people. Sometimes in combination with outsourced menial IT tasks instead of purely mechanical compute. Labor is not being automated, it is being replaced with tech workers who are at once being stretched thin and also exploiting everyone around them in shittier system maintenance roles. This is attractive to corporations because they can subcontract the tech work and use them as pawns in disputes with labor, later throwing the sub-contractor under the bus if the ploy doesn't work without losing much of anything. This can be a very incremental process, with only very small parts of work becoming pure IT maintenance at a time.

uspol , silly subtoot 

Hey you're stupid! Go vote for Jill Stein!

(and unlike you I am gonna use a cw for uspol and spare the rest of the world our bullshit)

What if Mozilla asked me to draw their new Firefox logo

we don't call people who leave social media websites refugees, just as a reminder, that's not what being a refugee is. deleting an account on a social media website is not what being a refugee is. it's not cute or funny.

not x

getting the boys at the auto shop to add raised cock vein decals to my pickup truck so that when people see it they know it's erect and throbbing and not limp and pitiful. this is important to me and my family

so, due to change in icelandic law regarding unemployment benefits, our household is officially without income. this has made us very angry, and it was widely regarded it as a bad move.

but we have bills to pay and are, frankly,
fucked at the moment. if you'd like to help in the long term, please hire me, i have a decade of tech support experience in wildly different fields and i am Very Good At What I Do. please get in touch in DMs if you have concrete leads, or know a guy who knows a guy.

however, right now, i need short-term help, so here i am, rattling the collections tin.

thanks. love you.

Also have another #MutualAidRequest for Darieon, a COVID orphan who I've been materially supporting for several years. He just got hired but doesn't get his paycheck until the end of the month, and needs $24 for food

Cashapp $Darieon2
Venmo @/darieon-Williams


EDIT: Need met

Why are so many weather control conspiracy theorists German?

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