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Girlbossing it with the fissile materials. On my illegal dumping site grindset. Ready for hot girl summer.

re: lex post 

@vultureculture early-adopter radiation poisoning was worth it

dear leftists please understand that most people can be appealed to on a moral basis and that Literature is only for the politically invested

@junebug “Civilization. Whether people get together to harvest crops, build buildings or murder each other, one timeless mystery remains: who drew all the hexagons all over the world, and why doesn’t anyone do anything about it?”

fake headline 

House Fire Caused By Rogue Tater Tot

@lyncia All the Trotskyist newspaper salespeople are here for the DNC.

I got $1.50 in quarters and the newspaper leftists have to fight over it in a contest of my choosing

To you I'm not a "bad Jew" but a "race traitor". Admit it. You have racialized your identity and reinforced the politics of blood and soil.
We are a nation without soil, undifferentiated by mere blood. :jewish_anarchism:

חברות וחברי הגוש הרדיקלי הפגינו בסינמטק ת״א בזמן שהתקיים באולם כנס שמקדם אג׳נדות פאשיסטיות בשם ״רוח אחרת״. הפעילים מסרו ותיעדו כי שוטר חמוש ללא תג שם קילל וירק על מפגין אחד, בעוד אחד ממבקרי הכנס קרא כי ״רק טרנספר יביא שלום״. אזרח אחר קרא לאחת המפגינות ״כלבה״.

מחברות הגוש הרדיקלי נמסר: "לא נפסיק לדרוש שוויון וצדק לכולן מהירדן לים ואפס טולרנטיות לפאשיזם!"

*זו הדרך - קול שמאלי מהשטח*

I think the anti-civ distro table nerds and the Leninist newspaper dorks should practice using vernacular English together as a get-along activity designed to make them both less intolerably verbose.

Red Flag orgs -

Reconstituting the True Communist Party for Over 30 years!

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i dont think this is getting the intended message across to non-technical audiences

everyone is so intolerant of a woman who's comfortable in her salinity

kids these days need some better forms of trouble to get into

Fun fact: Communist revolution triggers the ending credits for real life

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