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I'm not so sure the 4th internationale has gone paperless yet

The Leninists have caused the garbage bin to overflow!

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I met the big lebowski. I don't usually talk about political candidates, but he is literally the big lebowski. He wants me to have a hippie circle with the police.

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Workers of the World unite! You have nothing to lose but a small newspaper subscription fee!

Witnessed a shady arms deal between a Khmer Rouge cosplayer and a CIA agent today

omg I saw the Neturei Karta guys they were hanging out with the socialists.

please help my disabled friend! their workplace is being super shitty to them. they didnt have AC and experienced health complications due to overheating and went to the ER, while still trying to juggle work. they've overdrafted their account trying to stay healthy. anything helps!

@mutualaid @mastodonforharris #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund #Disabled #DisabilityMutualAid #Mastodon4Harris #MastodonForHarris #BlackMutualAid #Queer #LGBTQIA #BlackMutualAid #genderfluid #BlackTransMutualAid #POTS #aro #aromantic #ace #asexual #ChronicIllness #DisabilityCrowdfund #disability

In their coverage of the Democratic National Convention, the New York Times reports that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Kamala Harris represents the "working class." Actually, AOC said "middle class."

Let's unpack this little error.

When she entered Congress, AOC was a "democratic socialist." It only took a couple years for her to come around to using the same rhetoric as other politicians. This apparently took even the New York Times by surprise.

One of the chief forces protecting capitalism in the United States is that so many workers identify as middle class despite having no prospect of owning their own homes or retiring comfortably. There is a vast gulf in standard of living between a doctor and a barista.

Politicians and journalists do their best to obscure these differences. We're all supposed to think of ourselves as being somewhere in the middle. But if you consult the data, the majority of us are struggling while a small middle class and a very small ruling class make out at our expense.

As long as we put our faith in politicians, however "democratic" or "socialist" they claim to be, we will always end up being betrayed. We have to build powerful grassroots movements against capitalism itself—understanding ourselves as the protagonists, not politicians.

omg I saw the Neturei Karta guys they were hanging out with the socialists.

Witnessed a shady arms deal between a Khmer Rouge cosplayer and a CIA agent today

Workers of the World unite! You have nothing to lose but a small newspaper subscription fee!

Fun fact: Communist revolution triggers the ending credits for real life


Israel swastika shirt oh dear why you gotta do that man

The Hamas teenagers who I saw naruto-running last night!

Did you hear? We're going to reconstitute the Communist Party! For real this time! Just as soon as we can agree on which hammer and sickle variant to use!

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