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To you I'm not a "bad Jew" but a "race traitor". Admit it. You have racialized your identity and reinforced the politics of blood and soil.
We are a nation without soil, undifferentiated by mere blood. :jewish_anarchism:

IHRA definition of Antisemitism is bad. Here is why. Part 3 

It may come as a surprise to you as an ignorer of history, but siding with non-Jews in government and other institutions to police and re-litigate the formal definition of what *really* constitutes hatred of Jewish people has a bad track record! The people you are calling in with clubs and shields may have an ulterior motive, and be using you, believe it or not! You're letting yourselves be played and you'll be tossed aside at the next convenient moment.

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IHRA definition of Antisemitism is bad. Here is why. Part 2 

There are definitions which also have clauses that essentially insinuate Jewish people must have loyalty to the state of Israel or else they are self-hating. Good job trumping the dual loyalty trope there, by requiring it.

A good definition would just be a list of anti-semitic tropes instead of turning into a tumblr dni list of your political enemies within the Jewish community partway through. If someone is actually being an anti-semite they are gonna say a lot more than "ceasefire now!" you fucking clowns. So much for a plurality of views within the Jewish community, calling in the riot shield imperials in rank and file against your fellow community members over peaceful internal disagreements! By your definition, the best kind of anti-semitism is the one that ends with specifically the Jewish people you personally disagree with getting locked up in jail. Is that a part of "mowing the lawn" too? Fucking fascist collaborators.

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"IHRA definition of Antisemitism" from StopAntisemitism is bad. Here is why. Part 1/3 

This is being done in my name. I get emails celebrating non-profits who strong-arm institutions into adopting a new definition of antisemitism, directly to my email inbox. Since, after all, couldn't I only disagree if I am a fake jew, or a bad jew? That I suppose is taken as a given, which is how bad the community witch hunt has gotten here in the Diaspora.

Edit: Here is what I was linked to by the email as the "IHRA definition" from the StopAntisemitism website. This slightly differs from the IHRA site, but isn't what I was linked. So it appears they are tacking onto someone else's definition?

Here are two points from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of Antisemitism in the link above. The one orgs like the JNF and the ADL are championing in our name:

"Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor."


"Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation."

Now you can imagine how Jews who are against US-colonialism, and all varieties, and are not hypocritical in the slightest beyond the witch-hunt for "bad jews", feel about this. This is a flimsy excuse for Christian politicians and racist liberals to call protestors "fake jews". I on the other hand, think it is anti-semitic to hypocritically apply the dual-loyalty trope just because you are both an ardent nationalist of your home country and one you don't even live in. I don't know about you, but I think the history lesson may have been to drop those loyalties that demand "just following orders" to begin with. Flimsy and disgusting abuse of Jewish identity to inflame Islamophobic anger, with these being the only changes relative to other definitions. Exactly what I'd expect from people who inherently view the lived experiences, language, songs, and voices of the Jewish diaspora as inherently lesser, and who cannot pick out even basic principles from Talmud study. Individuals who go to bat for war and never for peace, ignoring the poor of their own country to privilege those who have done aliyah first. Halacha tells you not to do that, along with many other ways you could not be an asshole, like not starting a McCarthyist witch hunt in a vulnerable minority community.

Stop twisting anti-semitism, leaning further into it's tropes for a witch hunt among the Jewish community, and demanding recognition of new definitions that are blatantly amending in new excuses to be racist.

Maybe this will be one of the new tragedies to mark Tisha B'Av for Jewish people around the world. Or maybe you could quit playing into the hands of conservative schmucks who don't give a shit about our people and our cultures outside their stupid apocalypse.

Wired was manipulated into spreading misinformation to market Palantir and iVerify by misrepresenting a vulnerability in a disabled demo app as being a serious problem which could be exploited in the real world. They should retract the article but won't.

soup joke 

Campbell's Soup was a big supporter of Obama, reportedly saying: "Yes we can!"

oh my gosh I nearly forgot. The roleplayers would be wearing that stupid desert-themed digital camouflage too

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Imagine if the United States collapses and within 10 years weird activist types in Russia start using the old American Empire's eagle symbology and the stars and stripes, carrying around old presidential portraits, etc.

I’m selling my Astrohaus Freewrite smart typewriter, which markets itself as a distraction free writing tool. It’s a really satisfying mechanical keyboard hooked up to a word processor that can sync to various clouds. $450 plus shipping and includes the felt and leather sleeve and a charging usb to use c cord (not the original cord, I lost it. But any usb c charger will do.) Basically a great device that really helped me get out of my head and up the amount I write, until I had a baby and it didn’t fit the few minutes I could get away anymore. Lemme know if you’re interested! Happy to subsidize if not cover shipping for Mutuals!

A friend of mine is looking for commissions to help with her income! Please have a look if you're interested

being transgender is the best thing that's happened to me

Gaming subculture normalizing Nazi terminology 

The popularization and more widespread adoption of "degenerate" (variously "degen" or "degeneracy") among Gamers is becoming a serious fucking problem. Imageboard nazis imported it to their Discord servers and other social timelines over time, no doubt. Is this impacting the mental health of anybody else? I already feel like it has reached a level of acceptability in many circles that protesting the verbage used by Nazi Propagandists in their "race science" will get you socially ostracized. There have been plenty of things to ostracize me from these spaces before that point, but I am curious about the observations of people who have higher tolerance for bullshit in order to still feel included despite all the red flags. Have you observed this too? How have they reacted if you voiced distaste for using Nazi propganda terms to describe play-styles in fighting games and such?

Do I by definition play like a "dirty Jew" by fucking projectile camping too much in a fighter these days? How do people stand this crap?

re: tankie scouting report, general moderation observations 

This is why Reddit and everything like it should not just die, but fucking stay dead. By the way.

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tankie scouting report, general moderation observations, so shitty stuff is mentioned 

These days on the federated timeline the only major annoyances I ever see are aloof US Democrats. We have a really good instance blocklist, and shitty edgelord authcoms like to stick together once they find a rock someone will (bafflingly) allow them to live under. Since more twitter users and ex-tumblr users diffuse across instances the un-cw'd US electoral politics is much more of a persistent issue on federated microblogging.

However it hasn't escaped my notice, and I'm sure the notice of many others, that federated Reddit alternatives and other AP software harbors way more of those bunkerchan and 4chan /leftypol/ shitheads, along with a lot of the less online "true believers" who probably run struggle sessions for Red Guard chapters. The seamless transition of Reddit and image board culture to the fediverse has been a complete and unmitigated disaster all around, but where Fediblock doesn't exist it is far worse. And where the medium remains stylistically similar these shitheads feel automatically welcomed to resume all the worst behaviors from their old websites. Clean out the douchebags early or your site becomes an open sewer that will end up cut off from everyone else. Take reports of that shit seriously, because they are testing how much you will put up with and will continually dial-up the edgelord shithead behavior otherwise. They attract their douchebag friends by doing this.

Disappointing how these days the only times I see antisemitism being brought up, are to harass Black people on here for wording a thought about Gaza slightly wrong according to American suburbanites. Much worse shit in the past was given a free pass and is continually ignored because it has the right revolutionary aesthetic painted over it.

This is amazing work by @alshafei and team. You can search by company, country and funding entity, and learn things like:

"safeXai is the entity that has quietly resumed the operations of Banjo, a digital surveillance company whose founder, Damien Patton, was a former Ku Klux Klan member who’d participated in a 1990 drive-by shooting of a synagogue near Nashville, Tennessee."

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