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@quesadillawizard Account Preferences > Tabs menu not working for you?

I've also used Subway Tooter and Moshidon before, which both have federated timeline support.

favorite weirdly all encompassing linux media command?

Capitalism is why the ebooks on libgen cannot link directly into each other like websites. This pisses me off. I cannot click the book because of CAPITALISM.

@gravitos @lyncia Billy Mays here! I've got an exciting one for you today!

(picture desaturates as Billy Mays struggles with dongles and cables and adapters)

Have you ever fumbled with masses of cables around you computer, only to find out that your dolly has taken all the I/O?

(color returns to informercial)

With the power of DollyDock, you'll never worry again!

*Billy Mays starts showing facial expressions of relief from plugging Dolls into the branded laptop docks*

@gravitos @lyncia ah dammit I shoved a USB 3.0 hub into the slot, and I gotta unplug all my I/O for the Doll I/O and I'm fumbling all over the place like where did the soda go.

For times like this, there's gotta be some kind of solution!

You are interested in going on a date. Here are your options. Make your choice 🤡😈

some abstract digital art 

Kid Pix! Kid Pix! It's fun to play with Kid Pix! Yeah! :ralseiblunt: (my wife @twisted helped make this)

vegan "food" 

I am contemplating the forbidden vegan salami

My cats have stolen our little hand-sized gay pride flag so often they are gonna end up chewing through the stick where they pick it up in their mouths.


silly, emojis 

Are you capable of using this poll? I am doing my Phd tomorrow! Thanks in advance! 💋🙏🙌

Q: Can you use this poll?


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