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selfie, no ec, :weed: , slightly flirty 

Not a fan of crowds lately, but the periphery can be gay too.

pinned boundaries post 

I'm not really interested in random people following me anymore. If you know me, send me a direct message. Anything else will be denied. Regardless: for people interacting with my public stuff you should know my boundaries.

here are politics I do not vibe with:
- politics
- :tankies:
- 💸 (so-called "market anarchists" or libs)
- nationalism (grow up from wounded fairy tales)
- new age spiritualism / new athiesm
- divorced dad-ism (move on)
- missionaries / evangelists
- white people health cults (you are racist)
- Britishism
- paranoid, insecure settler
- journalist (derogatory)
- your *entire* personality is being an "____ parent"
- hippies
- CIS military apologetica
- cisgender apologetica
- fascism
- stallmanism, OSI and FSF techbro cults
- cable television commentary (I cut the cable for a reason)
- go to the polls! electoralism religious adherent
- resource scarcity-FUD hyper for eco fascists
- primitivism (if you are anti-literacy why are you even logged in lmao go eat berries)
- obviously anything antisemitic or transphobic
- pollsters, quizzers, and petitioners
- anti-piracy (MPAA's hiring, fuckface)
- legal justice system believer (lol, lmao)
- Firstname Lastname LinkedIn
- The person reading this who thinks you can override my boundaries because you are a privileged fuck who has learned to treat others people's priorities as dismissible "requests"
- racist queer people, and not giving a shit when you are told that you are platforming them
- channers
- hippies (again)
- [Broccoli Haters](
- Meritocracy or Technocracy people
- :acab:​ (no feds, cops, enlisted people)
- White westerners getting off on constantly posting un-cw'd gore and genocide news of PoC, calling themselves an activist. You're just an asshole.

vegan food (-) (or lack thereof), whiteness, eating disorder related shit 

@blkstarseed yeah I know an old vegan/vegetarian place that used to have menus with stuff like that, barely any of it remains. I think the modern hype is using your self-hatred around your weight to justify buying exotic ingredients and making incredibly small overpriced and underfilling portion sizes. Everything uses unnecessarily hard to find ingredients as substitutes for normal shit you can get affordably to the point where they actively brag about it. I just wanna make it clear to these people that I am **not interested** in a $20 entree that doesn't even sate my hunger pangs and is basically a checklist of ingredients that should never have been imported. Even if I'm not paying! It is the epitome of lifestyle diet crap, as these places try to cater to every diet fad at once, with all the weirdest most needlessly expensive ingredients. I hate this so much. I just needed to vent. Gonna have to run off and get a seperate meal for myself at some point so I can actually get calories...

This is definitely why people hate vegans. I hate it so much. It feels like fasting, which I don't do for medical reasons.

math problem I made up and you have to take seriously 

@Chip_Unicorn correct!

hypno spiral inside re: txpol, kink mention, sillyness, misinfo btw 

Texas GOP's nightmares after they clear their browser search history.

this is a callout post for kolektiva mods 

@evdas their attitude is toxic and setting up the perfect environment for rampant abuse of their userbase by treating moderation inactions as moderation actions. Their ego is inflated by their awareness of their scale. Their moderation actions have been directly effected by their self-importance and elevation of their content as being too important to not be federated everywhere with consequences for their users. None of this is excusable?

Their attitude has not changed since they refused to suspend disqordia. Unless you can find me some evidence to the contrary. In all but rhetoric this is identical to how muh free speech servers operate. I am concerned they will allow this open wound to fester and an infection to take hold, allowing a breeding ground for a leftist-styled "alt fedi" (antiblack users) to center efforts around. The only reason disqoridia didn't do that already was because they shut down from being too isolated from other servers who actually give a shit.

re: texas transphobia 

@hannah this fucker said in the same memo that western wear instead of formal business wear is acceptable. I wonder why?

Not that I would disrespect his cowboy gender or anything! 🤠

I am reading about the weird ancap seasteading fantasy stuff and looking at what these people think. Since crypto and finance bros are a big part of it now, somebody realized that ultimately people need to, you know, **dock somewhere**. So a user on r/seasteading has invented sealording, *leasing* out *pier space* to seastead buildings like shops. Of course since this is just some gullible american, they can only think of two types of businesses. Very funny to me.

At this point I guess the appeal is they can go offshore to somewhere else when their business gets in trouble with the law lmao.

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