Show newer oh no! someone has thrown a machine gun on a sandbagged-tripod into the Toyota truck! Who could have foreseen this?

mean girls meme, meta 

"its okie sweetie I just need to double down on my new philosemitic obsession with a rabbinical ethics term I heard about a week or two ago and everything will turn out great. just breathe. I am not racist."

*re-applies lipstick*

admin announcement: gnomefield is being sent to the shadow realm. say your goodbyes.

💻 surfing on one of these old fellas? we used to call these digital surfboards (laptops), nowadays you can surf the web from your internet-enabled phone or pager! wowza!

ben shapiro ec 

this boy sure knows how to hold some wood


@maia I would never post an unfunny cheap 9/11 joke

@Lily this is my grub background, incorporating my custom thinkpad bootsplash. What's nice is that it persists from bios bootsplash onto the disk decryption console prompt

:emacs: information 

hey have I mentioned that I'm an :emacs: girl?

all negotiating with billionaire bootlickers for infrastructure will ever do is get us this lmao

question for plural systems who share an account 

wait how do I @ a specific headmate of a system do I put the emoji or symbol before or after the @ ? This matters for when I @ multiple accounts in a post. Singlets pls do not answer this poll lmao spiderman! Here have a little treat for reading this (emojis) :ameowheckedrainbow: :burgerbart: :frogchamp: :kirby_idle:

very "anime" switch game cover 

I associate the word Isekai with you now. @werefox so when I was browsing games and I saw this I thought of you lmao. have a good flight

*breaks the kneecaps of the anime avatar admin*
## **Tell me who else you are federating with! Or else!**

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.