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We joke about how cats chase laser pointers, but have you ever seen people interact with laser effects on a theme park ride

At the point where I'm unfollowing anyone who touts the "benefits" of LLMs, or who conflates LLMs with AI to try to legitimize the former.

We joke about how cats chase laser pointers, but have you ever seen people interact with laser effects on a theme park ride

@roknrol Haggling is a very NT thing, and at some level all sales is haggling. Some of it is charisma, some is good old social power dynamics - stuff we're not usually good at. And we do tend to value honesty over manipulation, so the whole idea of selling something by talking it up feels bad. Fold in some rejection sensitivity and a dash of imposter syndrome, and I usually just give stuff away because it's so much easier. I think this is what folks mean by an Autism Tax.

moderation, politics 

(This is not to say that I never disagree with court rulings, to be clear - there are plenty of morally bad rulings. But they are almost always clearly consistent with the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is what the actual problem is.)

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moderation, politics 

Like, to clarify, the Dutch legal system allows judges a lot of leeway in making rulings; they are not *bound* by precedent, and they are expected to contextually interpret the legislation to filter out loopholes and 'clever' schemes on the executive layer, even when they were not literally accounted for in the law.

In other words, basically the exact same thing as "moderators have final call on what constitutes bannable behaviour".

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moderation, politics 

It will never stop amusing me how any time there's a discussion around codes of conduct, there will be a lot of people clutching their pearls about 'miscarriages of justice' and 'making moderators the arbiter of truth' and making analogies to legal systems of nation states...

when this is *literally* how the Dutch legal system works, and it is arguably the only part of the government that actually works correctly

Ever noticed how innovation in version control systems basically died the moment Github became a thing?

I was excited to read this study until I got to the sample...all men. So while the headline generalizes the findings, they actually have no idea about how exercise changes saturated fat metabolism in women because they did not study women. When reading studies, always look at the sample. Even today women are being excluded from health studies.

I would love if all the people who did foss stuff because they like working with and helping other people moved to instances specifically having that in their rules, that way we could just block out all the foss instances that have people who are hostile because they only care about the product rather than the community and ecosystem.
The more I see of this (and thanks to blocking a bunch of domains I don't see these things often) the more I understand the issues people have with the foss environment.

I promise you, there are many many people out there wo will instead of yelling you for using proprietary software, will sit down with you, talk about what you need and want, and make a few suggestions for foss replacements so you can get back your freedom as a user. They will understand that sometimes you need features and that using something proprietary is unavoidable and they would hate that, but they wouldn't shame you for doing so. They are really in it to move away from the stuff that holds us as a society back, and they want it to be a smooth transition for all of us.

If you hate foss environments because they're just not that way, I promise you, there are other places that are. It's not foss as a whole, and we would hate to see you avoid foss because of those toxic people that most of us don't like either *sigh*

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nix governance, politics-ish 

Important context here is that the process where this was brought up, was very explicitly a consensus-seeking process, and "raising concerns" was explicitly a core part of sorting things out. Even despite that explicit model, some people still felt no sense of obligation.

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political hot take, not safe for centrists 

passively approving of injustice is participating in it

nix governance, politics-ish 

During the Nix governance talks, a number of participants objected to things like marginalized seats - but crucially, they didn't seem to feel any obligation whatsoever to raise specific concerns.

I don't mean that they were just evading the question, or being shitty; I mean that they seemed genuinely unprepared for the question of "okay, but why?", and just did not consider or expect "raising a specific concern" to be a part of the process of objection.

I feel like there are some lessons to be drawn from this about what people's everyday decisionmaking processes look like, and how that ties into the political landscape we have today.

Never ceases to stump me that we have the technology to kill 99.95% of airborne viruses, proven to work, non-invasive, cheap to deploy and install, and is produced at scale already and we just like - collectively - kind of just don't really use it.

HEPA-grade air filtration is proven, cheap, and makes everyone's lives strictly better. It, like, makes zero fiscal sense for governments not to mandate its use in all covered public spaces ASAP.

I hate contact forms that delete newlines - I'm adding paragraphs for a reason!

One of the things that the Stack Overflow brouhaha demonstrates is that it doesn’t matter if a service was founded by people trusted by the community (Atwood and Spolsky) and was broadly community-led. If it’s a VC-funded startup, they will sell out their users at some point.

Hot take: “Your feelings are no one’s but your own responsibility” is neoliberal bullshit.

apparently there are rumors of lix being “lesbian nix”* and I can only say that were this the case, I would expect the project to be entirely coated in queer iconography down to a bright pink color scheme

checkmate, atheists

Sufficiently Advanced Bodging™ is indistinguishable from having used the correct pinout.

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