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politics, personal PSA 

Just a personal heads-up for everyone I interact with: we've reached a point where if I see you in *any* way aligning with Trump or Musk, you are immediately going on my mental 'fascist' list with no further discussion and I will not speak to you anymore.

I don't care if you "didn't know how bad it is". The time for learning that is well past, so if you still "don't know", then I'm going to conclude that you didn't *want* to know and decide accordingly.

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Time for the - I guess yearly by this point... - toot again:

No, I will not be at . I *could* have squeezed it into my schedule despite an upcoming transplantation, but they have *once again* failed to implement any COVID safety measures.

A few days of Congress is not worth the risk of brain damage or (in my case) severe illness or death.

If you want to see me at your event, push for appropriate safety precautions like sufficient ventilation/filtering and (particularly where that is not possible) mask distribution and ideally masking requirements.

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PSA: personal health, surgery and risks, availability 

If all goes to plan, I will be receiving a kidney transplantation on November 12 (2024), followed by an unknown recovery period. What to expect:

After the transplantation, I will not be around online for a while; this could be anywhere from a few days to a few months depending on how well (or not) the surgery goes. Even after I return, I will likely be avoiding stress for a while, which also means I may drop out of things unannounced.

In the time leading up to the transplantation, I will become less and less consistently available, and you may see me around less, as I deal with the preparations for the surgery.

I'm receiving a kidney from a living donor, under pretty much best-case circumstances (no dialysis), so the chance of success is high, and the chance of complications is low, but it is not zero. Likewise, survival chance is high but not 100%.

If the transplantation succeeds, I will be able to live a mostly normal life, but I will be on immunosuppressive medicine for the rest of my life. Among other things, this means that you're probably only going to see me at (hacker) events that take sufficient precautions against COVID and the like.

So if you want me and other immunocompromised folks around at those events, ask organizers to take those precautions! Ventilation/filtering and CO2 measurement is a good baseline.

If you have any questions about all this, feel free to ask, but I may or may not have the spoons to answer them.

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Why I do not like hanging around liberals anymore 

Because they're like oppression lootboxes.

The liberal viewpoint is not one of intersectionality; they might sound very progressive and recognize one or more types of oppression, but do not (wish to) recognize the way these interact, or the structure and patterns that underlie all of them.

This means that it's only a matter of time before I hear them say some extremely shitty and/or bigoted stuff about a topic that they don't recognize as a form of oppression, but I can't know upfront which topic it will be, or when it'll happen.

With my intersectional friends, I could then just point out that it's a form of oppression, and they will take it seriously, introspect, and work (over time) to understand it. Mistakes happen, but they will try to learn. All I need to do, is remind them.

With liberals, however... they do not recognize it as another occurrence of the same thing, and so I am left having to "prove" from whole cloth that yes, it really is a form of oppression, before they are even willing to put in *any* effort to understand the problem.

Every time this happens, it takes hours of my time, and energy that I do not have to spare.

I am already running on fumes most of the time, and I honestly just don't really want to hang around people who put that sort of price on not being shitty.

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I've actually been here for a while already, though mostly inactive! The Birdsite Situation prompted me to pop in here again. And I'm terrible at writing introductions, so I usually just say "I do stuff on the internet".

But uh, I do all sorts of activist-y stuff, work on radical FOSS (see, write (educational) stuff, am more or less a lonely polyamorous gender blob of indeterminate sexuality who likes both cuddles and kinky things, and I always have 10 times as many projects as I have time for, as is customary with ADHD brain :) Sometimes I even finish some of them!

While I'm an introvert and need plenty of time to myself, I *am* happy to meet like-minded people and spend time with them, and as long as you're not a bigot or apologist, you should feel free to interact with me and/or follow me!

Also, I live in Rosmalen (near Den Bosch) in the Netherlands, and honestly would like to get to know more local folks, and I also have some vague intention to start a queer hackerspace around here if I can find enough interested people. Eventually!

feeling overwhelmed/tired/anxious? got 5 minutes?

find a carpeted area or make a soft spot with a blanket on the floor, next to a chair, couch or ottoman. lay on your back on the floor & set your lower legs on the chair with knees bent.

rest your arms comfortably, maybe making space for chest muscles to open by widening them and letting your palms face up.

breathe and let your body release gravity. set a timer for 5-15 minutes. notice how you feel when you get up again!

Links bestuur, rechts beleid

Ach ja, een nieuwe linkse partij, daar zitten we op te wachten. Niet zomaar een steeds nauwer samengaan van PvdA en GroenLinks, tot en met fusie. Nee, daadwerkelijk een partij die in de plaats van de twee voorgangers dient te komen. Dat stelt GroenLinks-PvdA Tweede Kamerlid Habtamu de Hoop voor.(1) Aanvoerder van de linkse partijcombinatie Frans Timmermans voelt er wel wat voor en heeft zelfs haast met de uitvoering van het idee(2) Onder zijn leiding, ook dat nog.(3 Wat een vernieuwing zal dat worden!

Ze gaan maar lekker hun gang. Maar een nieuwe linkse lente ervan verwachten? Neuh. Alsof die nieuwe linkse partij iets gaat bieden dat de voorgangers ervan ook niet geboden hebben en vervolgens willens en wetens verwaarloosd of erger. Alsof zo’n nieuwe partij niet eenzelfde treurig traject zal gaan afleggen, maar vermoedelijk wat sneller dan de voorgangers dat deden. Alsof het probleem met parlementair links gelegen is in gebrek aan elan en aan vernieuwing. Alsof links in partijformaat en links aan de regering wezenlijk iets anders kan – en heel vaak zelfs wil! – bieden dan een variant van rechts beleid.

Het hele artikel via...

If you are in the US, threatened by the current administration, and need some kind of help with something, send me a DM and I'll see what I can do.

(For reference, I am in the Netherlands)

ndsdoc ( is a work-in-progress community maintained documentation project detailing the hardware specifications of Nintendo DS and DSi. The project has only recently been launched and is currently looking for contributors! Learn how you can help with adding to and improving the current documentation at
Any help and/or feedback is highly appreciated!

#NintendoDS #NDSDev

TIL that my fav actors david tennant is quite a powerful ally, honestly in an age that a lot of famous persons turn out to be absolute biggots, its a nice refresher

@varve @RadiantEmber My first chemistry teacher, just before high school, did (on our very first class) one thing that was absolutely fantastic and that I still think about today.

She had a small box wrapped in gift paper, full of assorted things, that she passed around the classroom. We could shake it, move it, feel it, but not open or damage it... and we would try to guess what was inside. She wrote our guesses on the blackboard, and we decided what most people agreed with.

And then she put it away and said we would never open it. This is what science is like, she said; we had created a model based on our observations, and we had some confidence in it, but we could never know for sure, there isn't some perfect, infallible truth. She told us how frustrated she was when her professor had first done it on her college class, and things she had thought she would be able to see and that were impossible.

This single lesson taught me so much about (philosophy of) science.

@eldaking @RadiantEmber my high school chemistry teacher was quite open about the "lies to children" in what he taught. He would also say stuff like, this thing I'm teaching you right now is simplified because you haven't learned calculus yet. He was a great teacher.

There are far too few of those.

teachers being shitty about chromosomes and intersex conditions 

teachers really just lie to students because it's convenient.

This teacher was teaching that there are no male calico cats because males always have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes.

I looked it up and found that there in fact are male calico cats, usually because they have XXY chromosomes. I brought this up and the teacher was like I know that but we're not talking about that now, don't confuse them.

So you're just purposefully lying to the students?

This kind of shit is responsible for so much erasure and discrimination against intersex and trans people. It makes me angry

Wouldn't it be better to just explain the actual reality to the students? Wouldn't it be better for them to understand what's actually going on instead of teaching them a lie?

making a crafting UI in a game with persistent online inventories is really scary because if I fuck up and don't realize it someone's gonna destroy their inventory

#spoonieTown btw is an imaginary community full of slowing down and nourish and taking care of each other vibes. The imagined infrastructure as well as the culture.
Everybody's ideas welcome.

You don't have to be a spoonie to hang out in Spoonie Town, you just need to want to Slow Down and Heal Things.

#solarPunk #hopePunk #intentionalCommunities #dreamingAsResistance #kindnessCulture #community

godot reddit 

I really do not like this TheDuriel guy. Posts condescending answers to virtually every question, never with enough detail to actually be usable, seemingly more interested in looking clever than in actually helping people

For the first time in my life, I just declined a keynote invitation, explicitly because I am too afraid to travel to the event's location. I'm quite sad about that.

meta (3), "you" 

And all this leads to a bit of an assignment for the reader - consider this question for yourself:

Based on who you see as a role model, which types of work are you valuing, which ones aren't you, and why? And what are the implications of that choice?

(Responding with an answer is not necessary; the point is the introspection)

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meta, sensitive topics I think it's incredibly important to keep in mind too that according to dansup he is the sole moderator of, an instance reporting to have an active user count of 256K. As someone who does fedi moderation on a lot smaller of a scale I have multiple administrators. Not just because moderation cases need to involve multiple people but because what if I am unavailable to access the infrastructure? So many things can go wrong if you have one person with exclusive access like dansup proudly claims. I am incredibly concerned about this especially because it's an image based platform. You need the extra attention to make sure gore (and a whole slurry of other content types including CSAM) are not being distributed within the platform. I do not think dansup takes any of this seriously and it makes me concerned. The thing is I couldn't care less if he fucks up and goes to jail for a long time. I do care about my users being exposed to CSAM, Gore and all sorts of other unsavory content because of his lack in content moderation and a trust & safety team.

additional safety info re: protest info, psa 

@mynameistillian if you're in a building with central HVAC, such as an apartment complex or student dormitories, seal your HVAC registers with painter's tape and garbage bags. magnetic covers *are not enough.* you need to cover the entire register, including around the edge where it's set into the wall/floor/ceiling.

if you want to know how I know this? my mom was a student on campus during the protests leading up to the Kent State shootings.

additional safety info re: protest info, psa 

@mynameistillian further safety information that may become relevant as protests escalate:

gas munitions target mucous membranes, and are carried by vapors. consider tight-fitting swimming goggles and a half-mask respirator for your emergency kit, with a new-in-packaging set of organic vapor/acid gas rated filter cartridges.

if you must shelter in place when gas blows your way? jam towels under your outside doors, and seal edges with painter's tape.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.