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Ik ben niet jong. Allang niet meer.

Nochthans heb ik in mijn lange leven maar één kabinet meegemaakt dat een beetje links was. Een beetje; want verder dan licht overhellend centristisch was het kabinet Den Uyl niet.

Verder dus tegen de 60 jaar centrum-rechts, uitgesproken rechts, knetterrechts tot extreem-rechts.

En alles is natuurlijk de schuld van links.

Just finished watching and 1) I'm not really sure how this managed to capture my interest for 4 straight hours, and 2) wow, what an absolute trainwreck of a "game".

After watching the whole thing I'm mostly left with a sense of anger about how clearly a lot of people put a lot of effort into making something cool, and it just got ruined by completely unnecessary corporate greed.

so tired of #signal app. How can I criticize it when I’ve never used it I would like to use it. I would like to use it very much. However I don’t own a smart phone. Which means I can’t register a desktop app which intern means I can’t use signal as even trying to create a virtual I machine running, android to download the mobile app to register my desktop app. Which failed. I don’t care how much you improve it until you’re actually inclusive. Signal is not a good app. You might also want to think about who are the people they don’t have access to their own smart phone. Think about other ways for users to register without a smart phone please. (running macos desktop)

#crypto @signalapp #singalapp #telegram #security #digitalsecurity

What happens when you mandate masks at a conference now that most people no longer wear them but medically vulnerable people are still at risk because #CovidIsNotOver? In the case of #PyConUS, the conference sells out.

Why a masking policy? “Many of us and our fellow community members can’t attend without health and safety guidelines in place. We want PyCon US to be an event that everyone feels safe attending,” organizers explained.

Well done @pycon

The plural of "load-bearing temporary hack" is "career"

If half of your code examples are either creepy social graph tracking or about some hypothetical person's "gender" (in the binary sense) and the vast majority of the latter are explicitly "man", sometimes emphasized to an absurd and contrived degree...

I am going to have some questions about your development culture, you know

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Every time I look at RDF stuff, it further reinforces my impression that the mechanisms are pretty cool but I probably don't want to have anything to do with the people driving the effort

If you have a disability and your disability isn’t “visible”, you’re still disabled and deserve respect and accommodation.

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do you need a bit of chaos in your day-to-day life? don't worry, i'm here to help 🐺

someone made an icon theme for VSCode that brings back the old VS2010 file icons and oooh my god I Love This.

Mrs Wainwright, secondary school Geography teacher used to always say "The answer is in the question".

40 years later I see things like this, and can hear Mrs Wainwright's voice clear as day.

Talked to a very smart person this afternoon who reminded me: climate fatalism ("it's too late") is a soft form of denialism.

Everything we do from here is worthwhile. It counts, it makes a difference. No matter what damage has been done, we can still make things better than if we had done nothing. We can still look after the world, look after our friends and family. Action has results.

@chloeraccoon @patterfloof @DreadShips Aside: Do note that if you casually watch lockpickinglawyer near your three-year-old daughter figuring she won't pay attention to it as it's way over her head, you are soon to find you have made a grievous error that will haunt you for the rest of your days.

The stories about my wife's brother and his little girls have been delightful. He deserves everything he gets...

PS: Sister #2 (now 3 years old) has learned to use a screwdriver and has been wreaking havoc. Dad has still not learned his lesson.

I sent an email to Winamp asking if they'd share their source code in 1998. Twenty-five years isn't a bad response time really.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.