moderation, politics 

It will never stop amusing me how any time there's a discussion around codes of conduct, there will be a lot of people clutching their pearls about 'miscarriages of justice' and 'making moderators the arbiter of truth' and making analogies to legal systems of nation states...

when this is *literally* how the Dutch legal system works, and it is arguably the only part of the government that actually works correctly


moderation, politics 

Like, to clarify, the Dutch legal system allows judges a lot of leeway in making rulings; they are not *bound* by precedent, and they are expected to contextually interpret the legislation to filter out loopholes and 'clever' schemes on the executive layer, even when they were not literally accounted for in the law.

In other words, basically the exact same thing as "moderators have final call on what constitutes bannable behaviour".

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moderation, politics 

(This is not to say that I never disagree with court rulings, to be clear - there are plenty of morally bad rulings. But they are almost always clearly consistent with the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is what the actual problem is.)

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