nix governance, politics-ish 

During the Nix governance talks, a number of participants objected to things like marginalized seats - but crucially, they didn't seem to feel any obligation whatsoever to raise specific concerns.

I don't mean that they were just evading the question, or being shitty; I mean that they seemed genuinely unprepared for the question of "okay, but why?", and just did not consider or expect "raising a specific concern" to be a part of the process of objection.

I feel like there are some lessons to be drawn from this about what people's everyday decisionmaking processes look like, and how that ties into the political landscape we have today.


nix governance, politics-ish 

Important context here is that the process where this was brought up, was very explicitly a consensus-seeking process, and "raising concerns" was explicitly a core part of sorting things out. Even despite that explicit model, some people still felt no sense of obligation.

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nix governance, politics-ish 


Great, people who either don’t think about why they don’t like including people or who don’t want to say it out loud.

I’m really interested in the Nix community as in, learning what not to do and also interested in a (hopefully) case study about how good people turned a pile of shit into something good.

Is there anywhere centralised I can go to catch up on what’s been happening in the last month?

I’ve never used Nix, probably never will; but I’ll still thank you for trying to improve things for those who do. Thanks :blobbonefingerguns:

re: nix governance, politics-ish 

@amy @joepie91

Thanks! To be more specific, I know what the turmoil is, but whilst I love to read the “drama” (a bad trait, but) I’m most interested now in how the good eggs that remain in the community are fighting to right the ship.

Not that it should be them tirelessly struggling to do so, but there are clearly people trying and I want to be more aware of their efforts and less aware of all the shitlords.

re: nix governance, politics-ish 

@james @joepie91 Ah, I see. Well, @isabel is helping steer Aux (, unsure about other forks / efforts.

nix governance, politics-ish 

@james @joepie91

Good write up in LWN or there's the NixOs discourse site.

nix governance, politics-ish 

@onepict @joepie91

Thanks! To be more specific, I know what the turmoil is, but whilst I love to read the “drama” (a bad trait, but) I’m most interested now in how the good eggs that remain in the community are fighting to right the ship.

Not that it should be them tirelessly struggling to do so, but there are clearly people trying and I want to be more aware of their efforts and less aware of all the shitlords.

I’ll check the discourse out.

nix governance, politics-ish 

@james @joepie91 from my reading of the foundation announcement and the discussion on the discourse folks like Joepie 91 are aiming to do so.

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