food packaging 

Ah, I see that Lidl has also worked out the loophole

Guess we know which outlets do actual journalism and which outlets just post vendor press releases

home maintenance gore 

Just found some old pictures, including a picture of the place I used to live, with a shitty landlord who never fixed anything until the city started threatening him with fines.

Can you tell where I blocked Alibaba Cloud from my Forgejo instance and cleared out its archive cache?

I thought I'd seen a lot of awful and broken websites, and then I learned about MapQuest

A lot of CSS hackery later, and I've managed to construct a popover dialog using a <details> element that doesn't disrupt the button order and also doesn't require any JS to work!

TIL about the Kodak Disc Transporter, which seems to have been a peripheral you could connect to your computer back in the day to automatically load and unload CD-Rs from your computer as you were burning them?

I can arbitrarily recolor the plane now, without having to redo the gradients!

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Today, I'm practicing with mesh gradients in Inkscape. Which are cool but damn, Inkscape doesn't exactly make them easy...

(Original silhouette by Andreas 06 on Wikimedia Commons; the cutting up into parts and 'texturing' is my work)

health, meds 

So this is what my post-transplantation morning medication looks like now (which is one of four medication moments, though it is the biggest pile)

health, + 

This is my favourite graph right now

Encountered some rays from the clouds on my way to the hospital

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