health, meds 

So this is what my post-transplantation morning medication looks like now (which is one of four medication moments, though it is the biggest pile)

health, + 

This is my favourite graph right now

Encountered some rays from the clouds on my way to the hospital

And it's not exactly a *small* difference we're talking about here either:

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If you've ever wondered why so many websites are a fragile JS hellscape, here's what a typical conversation in a web development channel might look like, and I think that tells you all you need to know

Don't mind me, just implementing automatic image hiding and album grouping in my client

Today in more obscure news: the manufacturer of the de-facto standard municipal trashbin in the Netherlands, has declared bankrupcy

Voorbereidingen voor Te Land, Ter Zee En In De Lucht in de Efteling

Experimenting with a design idea for a low-stimuli chat client, specifically the visualization of unread messages and notifications (I cannot sufficiently express my burning hatred for anxiety-inducing bright-red-background notification counts)

This is a graph from a Dutch news article about changes in revenue (blue) and sales volume (red) in the Dutch retail industry. Above 0 means it went up, below 0 means it went down, compared to the previous year. The massive dip in volume are the years in which there were COVID measures.

But I want to draw your attention to the "revenue" line. Notice how it doesn't meaningfully dip compared to previous years, and revenues continued to climb, *even though* the sales volume decreased?

Next time someone tells you that ever-increasing consumerism is necessary to keep the economy running, remember this graph.

(The CBS, which is the data source for this graph, is the Dutch governmental statistics agency.)

WTF kind of measurement unit is this for a supposedly academic paper?!

Very looking forward to Danse Macabre, though realistically I probably won't have a chance until quite a while after my transplantation...


One might almost think that the Stack Overflow people are a little bit obsessed with "AI"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.