You should! I enjoyed this. I think if you did it again, it would look good with more variety of different shots maybe different locations or camera angles or something. IDK im not a videographer
I'm proud of what has done with, our home-grown "cloud" VPS provider over the past couple of years. We keep it running day in and day out, and others have joined us in our repos / made a fork, embarking on their own journey.
fall out boy
thanks for the memories,
thanks for the memories,
even tho they ain't GBs
"he compares and swaps like you only 1337er"
homelessness, death
Every time I travel south from my icy domain (Minnesota) I'm reminded of how many homeless people are out there struggling. We don't see nearly as many homeless folks daily up here because the winter will either force them out or kill them.
I met a lot of homeless folks in Atlanta. The Covid economy has been cruel to many.
One man I spoke to told me about how his mother never really loved him, and always told him that you can't change the world, and it would be silly to try. But he found God at a homeless mission, and realized how much he had been lied to and abused by the system.
After I mentioned I was traveling/just a visitor, he asked what brought me here, so I tried to explain that I was part of a group who're trying to make it possible for anyone to "own" their own presence online as a part of a community that they have a say in, not like how it is with facebook or google. To my surprise, he instantly picked up on what I was saying and seemed to be cheered up by hearing about it. I explained that the server was as if it was "a car running without oil" and he told me to make sure I oil that machine well.
I really hope at some point our society can progress to the point where folks don't get left behind and kicked to the curb. This guy was shivering cold standing under an awning to stay out of the rain.
I just returned from Atlanta, Georgia where @j3s and I did maintenance on Baikal, cyberia's server and the workhorse behind
Baikal has been running for years with an inefficient QEMU VirtIO configuration which caused its SSD disks to wear out much faster than they should, and our decision to use NVME drives for some of the disks in the ZFS pool almost prevented us from being able to expand disk capacity to meet demand: We kept mailing PCI-e to NVME adapters to the datacenter and they kept saying "It doesn't fit".
Life happened and it got kinda bad, with a legitimate risk of everything going kablooie, so we had to work hard to get everything fixed in short order and ensure that our little project has a future. I suppose it's not-so-little anymore, depending on your perspective.
Attached are a couple fun pictures from the trip. You can also see a video I took of us replacing one of the SSDs that was wearing out here:
I was sweating bullets while j3s carefully pulled the disk out of the server while it was running 😅
@handle You might even be able to set it up so the "video resizing server" (laptop) outputs in HLS format (live video over HTTP) then you can just point VLC at a LAN IP based URL to the .m3u8 index file that ffmpeg outputs and it should stream
If quality is not an issue, GPU-accelerated video encoding might be a good bet. I don't know how old the GPU on the laptop is but there's a chance it supports GPU accelerated h264 encode. ffmpeg can do this, but sometimes it requires extra configuration to enable or properly link to the GPU device on linux
@gabek Come to Minneapolis, we have monitors in our new hackerspace here.
The rent we pay for the whole building is about the same as what you would pay for your single seat in SF, assuming you spent 40hr/week there.
We aren't making it open to the public, but we also aren't charging anyone any dues or fees. All economy mode
streaming working on capsul-flask
Music right now: 🧔🏾👨🏾🦲👨🏿🎤 Das Racist 🎭👜🔥
@handle @linus well do you want a dedicated public IPv4 (you want to run an email server) or is a shared IP OK (Everything except email)?
Right now greenhouse does not support dedicated IPv4s yet, but its planned for the future. The nice thing about greenhouse, there's no minimum monthly payment. So once the paid service launches, you only pay for what you use. For small sites or text only type stuff, that would mean its practically free!!
Greenhouse Cloud alpha test program by the numbers!
3700 views on our self-hosted demo video
30 user accounts registered
19 successful installations:
9 linux -- command line only
3 linux with desktop application
4 macOS desktop application
3 windows desktop application
5 bugs identified and fixed
6 fully self-hosted web applications already live and in production via greenhouse!
1 month since the public alpha test was launched
@nolan Right now I think the fediverse (at least the corner of it that im exposed to) has that fresh "pre-eternal-september" feel :P
Only the people who have made a conscious decision to be here are here ... It makes for a much more pleasant experience in my opinion
Thanks! The greenhouse daemon still has some issues to be worked out. The connection from the Threshold client to the Caddy Server was failing for the daemon instance that is embedded in the greenhouse web application aka I rebooted it and now it appears to be working
@nolan thanks for the info I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be duplicating work, for example if someone else already started it.
Hello, do you know of any work that has been done on profile edit in pinafore?
Also, is there a pinafore development related real-time chat channel like matrix, slack, discord, irc ?
Thanks for the hard work on Pinafore, its really smooth to use 🤯
Argh that sucks, did you already try hooking the monitor and keyboard up to the server?
If all else fails maybe you can take the disk out, attach it to another computer, and edit some files on there to disable some systemd services and try to boot with less things going on.
There are already quite some community supported SBCs 👀
I am a web technologist who is interested in supporting and building enjoyable ways for individuals, organizations, and communities to set up and maintain their own server infrastructure, including the hardware part.
I am currently working full time as an SRE 😫, but I am also heavily involved with Cyberia Computer Club and Layer Zero