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But no matter to me if hosted on cloud or self-hosted, i only want to get a MASTER DEGREE

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Forest boosted

me & forest did a big capsul update yesterday - i think it's lookin pretty flippin cute

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In Minnesota, most cities’ zoning rules require new homes to be large and to sit on large lots — even in cities like Duluth, which are known for their older, smaller homes on small lots (built before these rules were made).

These rules were originally created to keep lower-income and non-white people out of communities.

They’ve done their job far too well, and it’s time to change them.

📣📣 Tell your legislators that you support the MN Starter Home Act, HF1987/SF2229. 📣📣

For Twin Cities folks:

QueerCoded "Learn to Code" workshop!!

everyone welcome, donations accepted.

We (cyberia / layer zero) are doing a framadate (doodle clone) poll to find a time that works best. this will be in person at Queermunity (uptown mpls) twice a month

Here is a quick web site I threw up for it

If you know someone who might be interested, please get the word out! 🔁

Forest boosted

People name their software things that aren't slurs all the time, it's quite a common thing actually

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In the club straint munchin em right now. And by em I mean peanuts

Forest boosted
Forest boosted

Oh, the model is abyssus v2. They are like 40$ used on ebay, similar to the Microsoft one.

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Why do I have a razer mouse? I had to buy it at a big box store in a pinch and this was the only wired one they had.

To my surprise, this thing appears to actually have no planned obsolescence and it's still working after years and years of abuse.

So I think this model can join the old Microsoft Intelimouse on the list of mice that last forever.

I did have some issues with the scroll wheel and the middle mouse button, but they were fixed by just blowing air into the mouse and turning it upside down and slapping it to get some crud out.

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My mouse is worn down to the plastic from too many Right Click -> Inspect Element

Forest boosted
Forest boosted
Forest boosted

there are 2 types of man page

No manual entry for skelington


skelington [havxhc]{%^%%%},dffqq0&&&@“&” -jcndnknn
haha, this is a cool program i came up with on an acid trip in zimbabwe in 2014. it all started when i was charged by a wild GNU, which gave me a distaste for the acronym. anyway, that’s how i met richard stallman! he was shortly trampled to death thereafter, and i saw his “skelington” haha. and wow, the tool has really grown over time. let me document every single itty bitty tiny flag that 1 person on the fringe has ever used and never talk about the 99% usecase.

-a Wow, this one does it all really. Well except when you use it with -c, then it functions kinda like -d. be sure to put this flag last! there’s a data integrity bug otherwise (you risk rm -rf) good luck!

-b boy is this flag handy dandy, it adds bytesize slice info to the output buffer!

-c cake - this outputs CAKE in allcaps (mixedCase if you use -m), but the ordering is not consistent unless used with -o

-d delete

-o order things, including flags! flags are ordered last.

-m (not implemented yet) munge data (inject random data) so that tou can fuzztest your output, very useful for developing. fuzztest reads from /proc/fuzzy/boi and injects 1 datum of horseshit per bitwise integer! that way you can quantize your garbage instead of just shoveling it down ur throat (put down the cheetos)

-M this is actually supposed to be -m but for historical reasons it’s -M. anyways, it stands for “murder” - you figure out the rest

Written by me, jes ( @j3s) and nobody else, copyright 2025, i love god, juice, and jeans! sheesh

just don’t please, i barely have enough time to live as it is

fuck examples! this is a “man”page, not an “example”page. if you want examples, go ask reddit neckbeards, or catgirl hackers on discord. actually, nevermind reddit.

Forest boosted

my friends & i created a podcast called “torment nexus” where we talk shit on the tech world. enjoy, if you must. :blobby_kitty:

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I wonder if they would still use jimbo wales' picture and name in wikipedia fundraising drives if more people knew he was also the guy who created wikia/

@firewally hey long time no see.

what's your reg policy for I heard some ppl say they might interested in trying pixelfed

Forest boosted

tried to restore an ipod and it wasn’t appearing at all on a modern mac so i had to try the old macbook. my backlight is busted but im thinking so different rn

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