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why didn't they simply use JSON over HTTP when they invented SMTP in the early 1980s

@yair @Yuvalne @gourmas @admin it's important to support (and enforce) either way. @tobi implemented it for @gotosocial from (basically) the start

Today I found out that #secure_mode is not enabled by default on #Mastodon instances.
The Devs say that since that setting only affects public toots, it doesn't really provide extra security at the cost of breaking some APIs. I disagree.

If you are an instance admin, consider enabling it. If you are not, consider boosting this toot.

#FediTips #tips @feditips

GitHub thread about this:

covid selftests ~ 

thinking about getting another batch of biosynex, ~60 cents each with shipping

mostly for .. there's 5000 to be distributed to visitors/angels but ideally people test every day instead of once or twice

but maybe I'm grossly overestimating how much people (still) want to do tests, in their perceived state of the pandemic...

for now he's snoring and peaceful but soon he will AWAKE and he will HUNGER

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i did get some cool pictures of night sky, very high clouds already lit by the sun beyond the horizon

cat ph- 

cat is a bit sick :( but think they'll be OK

Anyways, if anyone would like to fund some arts while I apply for arts funding, a small donation through Liberapay ( or Ko-fi ( would really lower my stress levels and help me write that play.

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Some random tips for people running their own #Mastodon server:

-When blocking, you only need to block the main domain (e.g. All subdomains are automatically included in the block (e.g.

-When making custom emoji, remember to include alt text with CamelCase so that blind people can understand them through screen readers.

-If you want to run a server totally separate from the Fediverse, there are some hints and tips by @wiligl at

Minneapolis folks, I am planning on hosting a free workshop on how to to make a website from scratch. (HTML and CSS)

The workshop is meant to be for folks who have never done it before, but experts are welcome too!

Check out more details and mark times you would be available @

Also, plz boost if you are in the area. Thanks 🧡

So I guess the PrivacyGuides (Matrix) community is now definitively a lost cause. It's just endless privacybros yelling absolutist opinions at each other now without any nuance or good faith assumption, pretty much exactly as predicted, with several of the most toxic people holding mod positions.

@rune or mongodb! and sometimes redis

people just looove exposing their databases to the public

duckduckbing: is anxiety something to worry about

I don't need to be functional, my programming is functional
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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.