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still stressed but a bunch of preparations are starting to fall into place

who called it Free Software and not Flee Software (what you should be doing)

A subtoot but made with love and affection for my dorky friends 

@dumpsterqueer please, a moment of your time to talk about free software

@charlag @pastelpunkbandit it's unstable. From using it on my personal device and servers for quite a while it worked well though

@charlag @pastelpunkbandit that's why i used to use Debian Sid, so you so get pretty up to date packages. Now it's all NixOS tho :D

@Cyborgneticz pff they can lose themselves just fine, no need to help :))

fuckin hell i'm so busy these days with MCH2022 preparations

just tomorrow and thursday left though, after that i'll be away for a week on a relaxing scouting camp with 20 screaming kids :)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.