Today I found out that #secure_mode is not enabled by default on #Mastodon instances.
The Devs say that since that setting only affects public toots, it doesn't really provide extra security at the cost of breaking some APIs. I disagree.

If you are an instance admin, consider enabling it. If you are not, consider boosting this toot.

#FediTips #tips @feditips

GitHub thread about this:

@Yuvalne @gourmas @admin I'm unsure how much additional federation breakage this will cause. There are so many new ActivityPub implementations joining the fediverse all the time, how many of them support this API?


@yair @Yuvalne @gourmas @admin it's important to support (and enforce) either way. @tobi implemented it for @gotosocial from (basically) the start

@f0x @yair Yeah, GoTo was how I found out about Secure Mode in the first place!

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