teach your kitten to use proper multi-factor authentication, it goes a long way

food/cooking (veggie) 

oh my god these fondant potatoes are amazing. totally worth the effort

second train conductor who stopped to appreciate the RGB ferret on my backpack :")

MastoAdmin SQL queries to get followers/following by remote domains 

tip because at least on our version the Domain summary will *count* the number of following relations, but with has no way to list who is following who.

Postgres queries:

"Their followers here":
SELECT user_follows.username, user_follows.domain, user_following.username as follows, user_following.domain as follows_domain FROM follows INNER JOIN accounts AS user_follows ON user_follows.id=follows.account_id INNER JOIN accounts AS user_following ON user_following.id=follows.target_account_id WHERE user_following.domain='gts-dev.pixie.town';

"Our followers there":
SELECT user_follows.username, user_follows.domain, user_following.username as follows, user_following.domain as follows_domain FROM follows INNER JOIN accounts AS user_follows ON user_follows.id=follows.account_id INNER JOIN accounts AS user_following ON user_following.id=follows.target_account_id WHERE user_follows.domain='gts-dev.pixie.town';

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Small server part of the pixie.town infrastructure. Registration is closed.