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tabletop simulator, but with LAN, and for lower spec machines, would be so good.

Cool project: "Nepenthes" is a tarpit to catch (AI) web crawlers.

"It works by generating an endless sequences of pages, each of which with dozens of links, that simply go back into a the tarpit. Pages are randomly generated, but in a deterministic way, causing them to appear to be flat files that never change. Intentional delay is added to prevent crawlers from bogging down your server, in addition to wasting their time. Lastly, optional Markov-babble can be added to the pages, to give the crawlers something to scrape up and train their LLMs on, hopefully accelerating model collapse."

still thinking about the oregon masto meetup where i was telling a story about the mormon magic underwear and some mormon twelve-year-old within earshot called back "they're called temple garments!"

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Pro-China authcoms will *literally* promise you that Xi Jinping will abolish online multiplayer disconnect penalties. Learn to recognize red imperialist propaganda, don't be fooled!


the goal was hit...!

thank you to everyone that donated/boosted, I cannot even begin to explain how monumentally helpful this is :blobcat_cwy:

we started the day off legit feeling pretty hopeless, so this is... a massively positive reversal :blobheartcat:

we've still got a lot of scrambling to do still, but I'm pretty confident that we can manage the rest from here.

y'all have been legit life savers holy floogin' hell :blobreachbounce:

I’m sure this has been pointed out a million times but calling it a superfund site is dangerously close to calling it a “superfun” site. I always have to pause a moment and remind myself it’s the opposite of that

A trans couple my sister is friends with is recovering from a house fire in Oklahoma. I know there are a million things to help out with in the world but maybe this is one you feel moved to chip in for. Even small donations help.

Groundbreaking. Reuters are reporting that a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas has been secured. Could Gaza finally see an end to the onslaught?

Ironically, I guess that this makes me a model :)

(Yes, I should have bought XL not L...)

Nonsense password requirement of the day: Can't use the same character more than 3 times.

Assertion: A true witch must know their hex codes.

@socketwench @mhoye There is a proposed `prefers-reduced-data`:

So far it only exists in Chrome-based browsers behind a flag.

me and my partner's game is currently 25% off!!! check it out please :3 we worked super super hard on it and we're just 2 furry gamedevs trying to make the dream work

it's a pixel art metroidvania / sidescroller-zelda-like, with oldschool FMV cutscenes too

link is steam but the game's on itch too if you'd prefer!

Given Proton's CEO coming out as a right wing chud, I'd like to point at Proton's policy of immediately re-charging your credit card if you dispute any charge with them, how they promise free refunds if the service doesn't work for you but make it impossible to cancel, the snake oil of key escrow where they manage encryption keys for you, and having already thrown one environmental activist to the cops. Fuck Proton.

The radical autonomous communications infrastructure @riseup announced the release of a music compilation dedicated to Riseup's 25th anniversary:
"#montreal4riseup is a project of 20 songs, released (or not) between 2020 and 2024, that span a large range of genres including rap, industrial, folk, rock, noise, punk, post-punk, anarcho-punk, hardcore, oi, crust, grind, and more"

Price: voluntary, of course

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.