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(intended to be read like Panic! At the disco) Classism! At the furry convention

Welcome to Emacs rewind-mode!

You opened: 19,609 buffers
Out of those, you immediately killed: 12,001

Let's see the language breakdown:
1. 10,720 swift-mode buffers
2. 4,203 org-mode buffers
3. 2,210 emacs-lisp-mode buffers

Out of all the interactive commands you ran, this one kept coming back: magit-status

You wrote 9,792 lines of code this year! Only 32% were solely newlines.

Your favorite key combo was: C-n
You tweaked your init file: 253 times

This year you only installed: 15 new packages

sorry the slime did not bring a translator hope you enjoyed the talk

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joe biden nonsense post 

too sick nasty to be president, nobody in this race knows how to party like the chief

always make a 2x2 water source in minecraft or else this happens.

Watch out! They're here AND they're queer! 👽🏳️‍🌈

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