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now reading: Blood: A Critique of Christianity 

Gil Anidjar pointing out this quote for me was really eye opening.

After September 11, say Catherine Waldby and Robert Mitchell, “the excessive desire to give blood was perhaps driven by a sense that the body politic was itself wounded in the attacks.”

@thufie we've packaged a lie detector with our lying machine

if god didn't want us to break our old lcd screens then he shouldn't have made them make pretty colors when you push on 'em

In 2036 workers finally get the hard-fought union-won right and requirement to industrial moon shoes on all construction sites.

Chair of my department sent out info on a "peace studies" fellowship for PhD candidates funded by the DoD, anyway satire is dead

“htmx ~ Why Gumroad Didn't Choose htmx”

> AI and Tooling Support: It’s worth noting that AI tools are intimately familiar with Next.js and not so much with htmx, due to the lack of open-source training data.

A risk with "AI" for coding I’ve talked about is that it's trained on legacy code so it's going to be a conservative force in software dev, driving people to use outdated but popular approaches. This is the first time I've seen that happen in the wild

subtoot, extreme european antisemitism 

protesting at Auschwitz is antisemitic.

don't care, no excuses. stop disturbing the site.

why not try wheelchairs!? we got

- people in the way
- people who aren't in the way going "sorry!"
- let me stand in that doorway for you
- wheelies!
- "sorry!"
- hair in your castor bearings
- crack team of 6 rugby players ready to lift you over a 15mm kerb
- "sorry!"

most explicitly antisemitic movie I've ever seen from this century. basically a long form machinima for right-wing conspiracy weirdos.

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English IPA 

ju bɛtɚ nɑt hæv soʊld mi aʊt sæskweɪt͡ʃ!

I am proud to announce Bigfoot vs The Illuminati (2020) asses the bechdel test!

Attention to my faculty friends: The University of Washington Allen School of CSE is an unsafe environment for women, so as grad application season starts, please tell your students not to apply. There are at least 3 men in the systems lab that have sexually harassed numerous women and they continue to do so. More details below:

It has been 3 months since the women of the UW systems lab sent a letter detailing three incidents of sexual harassment and bullying. The university has bounced them from the Title IX office to HR with no resolution. There is an ongoing HR investigation with the women handing over dozens of incidents and pages of documentation (emails, text messages). At least one of the men has been documented to be physically violent, and he has sexually harassed women across the department, not just in the lab.

Despite this, the women of the lab have been forced to leave their coworking space, leaving them in a precarious position where they must risk interacting with violent men. The systems lab is still holding lab events with the men actively under investigation. The Allen School has become a place where women are AFRAID to go to work and at least three women have been driven out due to harassment. If you know women who are thinking of attending grad school, tell them to avoid UW, especially in systems. I’m happy to put them in touch with the women of the UW systems lab or discuss alternate options with them.

Computer fuckery 

Huh. Set a profile picture in the Nextcloud account I've been using for years, also using it in my phone's Nextcloud app. Apparently this updated a contact in my phone's contacts (a Google contact, I usually create contacts for the Nextcloud account, but the system sometimes creates contacts for accounts) with the picture‽ This led to K9 Mail also setting the picture for my mail account which is mail@mydomain despite the contact's mail address being nextcloud@mydomain (forwarding to the mail@ address). What is going on?

Changing the contact from Google to Nextcloud had it lose the image and K9S as well, but this is somehow scary. Setting a pfp in one app should be contained unless explicitly intended.

they're calling me a lexus dealership the way i'm gearing up for a december to remember
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