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VGC just posted:

SteamDB now lets players filter out games that use generative AI

Players can now choose to only see games which haven't been confirmed to use generative AI tech


oh-kay phew. some final cleanup, and then it's time to launch the alpha of this torrent tracker designed for rapid-response data rescue where a bunch of people each scrape chunks of a big thing and then recombine it later, where nobody can store the whole thing in one place because it's too big. then early next week we'll have the system for claiming and handling in-process scrapes. then we start fucking around with the fun stuff. has there ever been a torrent tracker that speaks activitypub to distribute uploads around between instances? because this one is gonna.

#HackThePlanet #MemoryHoleThis #YouCantKillAnIdea #ServersDieSwarmsSurvive #BittorrentIsStillSoGood #OverpoweredP2PProtocolEvenThoughIts20YearsOld

why are your thoughts in the gutter you should be collecting it illegally like rainwater

I'm really less of a "goes bump in the night" kinda creature than I am a "goes squish, squash, glop, and slop in the night". Stop laughing at me when I hurt my toe in the dark. :slime:

Mark Fischer' Capitalist Realism is when a dude asks if you read the book yet, but you are depressed about Beyblade ripcords being replaced with string pull thingies and already know in your heart.


Bioncile gamecube game. Become her o. Grow from small weak boncle to large boncle. Invite friends to beoncle with you.

Every humble hashtag has it's start. Each mere poster their beginning. Enter the age of legend.

mutual aid request ⚠️ :nihil_boost:

hey y'all, this request depends on various needs that change & so it will be updated with details as needed. isaac needs consistent support! his rent goal got met! :party_parrot: HOWEVER... his dog now needs assistance with seizure treatment. $57 is all that's needed.

y'all met his last mutual aid request TWICE!

if you don't know, isaac is an afro-indigenous decolonial journalist & has been seeking funds for rent, utilities, food, & to continue to sustain a decolonial media network that's been going on for over 3 years. please continue to share. let's show up for him! :anarchoheart2:

venmo: jasper-steinline
pp: @Isaacjasper

@mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #IndigenousMutualAid #BlackMutualAid #Journalism #UrgentMutualAid #Decolonialism #MutualAid #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackCrowdFund

lobotomizing Windows for fun, diary of a masochistic Linux slime 

So for reasons I am looking into having a second, smaller drive for running Windows 10. However those who know me well can probably infer it will look nothing like a normal windows install (and be right). I like removing as many system components as possible, and replacing them with open source hobbyist replacements that don't rely on Windows update. You can probably guess a few defaults applications I will purge before I even let an installer hit my disk with I/O. I will modify the install with some tools used by IT administrators who customize windows images, find out exactly what is required to run a windows binary using GPU acceleration on my device, and then immediately begin making even more drastic changes before I even touch replacing the default userspace. Something I am looking into is using BTRFs for Windows. Yup. You heard me right. This will require replacing the bootloader with one that can load Windows off of Btrfs, so that once the ntfs to Btrfs in-place conversion is finished Windows can still boot. Here is the bootloader project for anyone else who has serious personal issues:
Then at that point, I can take and manage btrfs snapshots of my Windows 10 install from my Linux drive, and not to mention easily mount files and folders from either OS. In practice I will be chainloading this homebrew bootloader from Grub2 which I already have configured to boot directly into snapshots of my Arch Linux. So while I might not get grub-btrfs automatic snapshots (for Windows) on the Grub2 menu, Linux will always be a rock-solid recovery option, and will be able to rollback irreparable changes I've made by grievously mangling the fundamental default Windows 10 userspace elements via snapshotting. I'm gonna delete explorer.exe with NO FEAR.

wear a fucking mask, you're not gonna fight state violence if you're sick. #covidIsNotOver

New monkey ball game exclusively sold alongside Newport cigarettes at corner stores 

People who complain about content warnings miss the entire meta of how to make successful posts on here. The whole goal is to make the most absurd content warning possible as a hook to draw the reader in, before overwhelming them with a wall of no-context text.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.