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I need to buy groceries and meds but I'm running short on cash. It's not that urgent since I still have a week worth of meds left, but I'll still need help with the money

Money raised: $50 out of $60

I'd appreciate if someone could send some money my way, but please prioritize people who need it more.

Everyone is talking about Apple trying to resist the UK's demand to put backdoors in their software, but hardly anyone is talking about the backdoor they actually put in their hardware.

"Kaspersky’s researchers affirmatively and without question found a deliberately concealed, never documented, deliberately locked but unlockable with a secret hash, hardware backdoor which was designed into all Apple devices starting with the A12, A13, A14, A15 and A16"

If you are new to or considering Linux please keep in mind that Изпробвана на Arch Linux и Linux Mint 22.1. Писането на кирилица е задължително. OK?

Haha yes okay i can finally reveal that yr girl hannah is gonna be on jeopardy again!! I’m in the 2nd annual jeopardy invitational tournament which airs as soon as the ongoing TOC finishes! Wooo

Omg why do all the fake mutual aid accounts have FREE PALESTINE in their bio :blobcatrollingeyes: it’s still obvious y’all

If you see a mastodon social account just hitting up randos for mutual aid, you know it’s a scam

#FediTip if you’re Jon Bois or Jose Canseco, you can join and should join the sports instance

If you are new to or considering Linux please keep in mind that Изпробвана на Arch Linux и Linux Mint 22.1. Писането на кирилица е задължително. OK?

uspol, itpol 

The US mob is sending an ambassador to Italy to represent the United States. Apparently.

I mean I guess not surprising, but not the most amazing representation for italian americans.

Payment processors will literally host pirate sports streams but not honest queer people.

Can't the sports channel add a subway surfers stream or some tiktoks or something?

I think the big game today was great congrats on Team Vitality on winning the Superbowl (sorry if you were gonna watch that on DVR and I just spoiled) 🏈

The "this one software stack will fix the internet" to "blockchain is what fixes this, by the way" true combo.

Had a fun idea that if Xenia is representation of Linux as a whole, what if there were other foxes to represent specific Linux distributions. So I drafted up one for Arch, Debian, and Suse. The challenge with Arch was trying not to just basically recreate my own Fennec Fox fursona, Beanz(Sorry ya'll can't have my fursona)

#linux #art #furry #sketch #fox #conceptart #debian #suse #archlinux

I think I originally abandoned major release linux distros (many moons ago) because I'd brick the install in a bad version upgrade and rollbacks didn't exist yet. Nowadays Ubuntu in particular will use snapshotting automatically before an upgrade (easiest for BTRFs installs, zfs users have no special treats and must take their own) and then run a simulation of the upgrade to point out potential issues. Then any repositories or ppas not supporting the new major release will show up for you to disable temporarily, and conflicting packages will be detected. The upgrade tool will basically ensure that you have to disable several failsafes in order to proceed to bricking your system. It is very impressive now. I think it's honestly so much better than when I was first trying Linux and the slightest mistake during such an act would result in me spending 3 days using a liveusb to backup my data and reinstall.

However now that there are pre and post transaction upgrades for rolling release distros, I'm not really looking back on safer long term release cycles either. Since the risk from 'bleeding edge' is almost zero now with the nicest new setups. It is just better all around nowadays. Your package manager, or updater, has so many more ways of detecting you are about to fuck yourself over nowadays. Yeah certain stuff still sucks shit, but that's one very major thing that is basically no longer a problem: upgrade instability. Unless you are the kind of dork intentionally avoiding these new niceties, or using crunchier distros, of course.

reCAPTCHA: 819 million hours of wasted human time and billions of dollars in Google profits

"Searle's paper, titled "Dazed & Confused: A Large-Scale Real-World User Study of reCAPTCHAv2," found that Google's widely-used CAPTCHA system is primarily a mechanism for tracking user behavior and collecting data while providing little actual security against bots. The study revealed that reCAPTCHA extensively monitors users' cookies, browsing history, and browser environment (including canvas rendering, screen resolution, mouse movements, and user-agent data) — all of which can be used for advertising and tracking purposes"

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