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man fuck off with the ally flag. just fly a regular pride flag if you're such an ally. what, are you scared that someone might think youre gay or something

What do young earth creationism and the original Halo trilogy have in common? 

They can all be divided into pre-flood and post-flood periods


The easier a math textbook sounds, the harder it is.

Like "Advanced Calculus" is obviously a high-school textbook, but PhD students will have nightmares about combinatorics books called like "A Gentle Introduction to Counting"

Rocket league but the ball has AiAi from Monkey Ball in the ball and they didn't retract the native Linux release and force you to run a windows .exe from Epic. There is only one goal, and AiAi is trying to stay out of it.

this place has trained me to gasp whenever I see Stuttgart mentioned

I hope Hans is doing alright

We say someone is "clamming up" if they're staying silent. But real-world clams have all sorts of reasons to "clam up" aside from self-protection! They'll close their shells rapidly to force out poop, or clear off uneaten particles on their gills ("valve clapping"), or even when they're releasing their gametes! Some clams use that expelled water from closing to clear sand around them when digging, and scallops close their valves to generate jet propulsion for swimming! #clamFacts

linux virtualization 

Hmm, now that I am more familiar with using libvirt, I think if I were to operate a large rack server, I'd probably roll my own Arch Linux VM host setup and manually setup vms via libvirt. Although anything with snapshots and rollbacks that supports libvirt would do, really. I can see the appeal of something like Proxmox, but now that I know more I'd rather do it myself and avoid overhead.

Just fantasizing about having a server rack again someday...

matrix meta 

lol @ element for pulling "our code base is utter trash and we have no intention to fix that, please buy our proprietary rewrite"

she has grave concerns about getting wet and is projecting 🐈‍⬛

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*yelling at my cat who meows loudly at me while I shower*
:thufie: 🚿 "It's pipes! The water comes from and leaves from pipes! I *want* this!"
🐈‍⬛ "Mraaaaow!!!"

I love cheating at video games by *checks notes* using linux

scaring housed people over shit that's not really a problem, failing to highlight the real issues here because they don't impact ratings.

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Weather TV my family watches:
"Super blizzardo blast! Strap everything down and don't go outside or else you'll be flash-frozen like in a cartoon!"

Reality: *I turn up the thermostat 1 degree (Fahrenheit), for a single day, and I walk to go get groceries.*

This is what we want! :3

The process is documented here
and involves:

1. Making sure you'll never need your Gmail address again. If you are registered somewhere with that address, change this now!
2. Probably downloading your Gmail data. You can simply export it to GDrive:
3. Delete Gmail through:

Step (3) will ask you to add a replacement mail if you havent done this with option (a) already. Afterwards your Gmail will be gone and nuked (you have some grace period where you can still recover it though).

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Jack f*ing Dorsey having the keynote at FOSDEM is a disgrace. He has made no meaningful contributions, is a no-one in this space and wants to talk about Open Source culture? Are you kidding me?!??

Why are we allowing this to happen? He should not be welcome as a speaker, let alone holding the keynote.

calling yourself a "nomad" because you have a fancy remote tech job that pays you silly enough money that you can lug your laptop around on holiday all the time
calling yourself a "refugee" because you've moved from one social media platform to another

^^ they're the same picture

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.