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*New Year Update*

✨Happy holidays✨

(Ty to everyone who donated and shared last year 😊💖)

Pain leaving me in bed
Struggling financially
No vehicle. No bus line. I rely on friends and Lyft
No desktop / laptop
HVAC and insulation leaks bad
Busted electrical outlets
Busted plumbing
Leaking roof
Water damaged floors
Waiting on Wheelchair
Mom's recovering
Waiting on disability
Need food delivered

Still need to pay for:

  active goal 🌡️
  goal met ✅
  to be determined ⬜

• transit - $200/200 month ✅
• food - $100/100 month ✅
• medications - $62/100 month 🌡️
• medical masks - $10/10 month ✅
• home supplies - $0/50 month 🌡️
• braces - $0/7000 🌡️
• transition $0/50000 ⬜
• phone $0/350 ⬜
• computer $0/1000 ⬜
• etc

Anything helps. Please boost / share 🔁$PhoenixElektra

#trans #enby #disabled #wheelchairuser #neurodivergent #mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #aid #donate #crowdfund #ocart #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #bunny

A new study finds radium is bioaccumulating in mussels in streams near fracking fields in Pennsylvania. The waste effluent produced by fracking operations is rich in radioactive materials including radium. It is harmful to the mussels and accumulates up the food chain, leading to us. The mussels are sentinels of the radioactive legacy of the fossil fuel industry, which actually produces more radioactive waste than the nuclear industry #clamFacts


I like stock photos that have models making faces which are way too enthusiastic for the situation

no, I will not elaborate further or provide any context 

hospital piss receptacle is my new band name


I like stock photos that have models making faces which are way too enthusiastic for the situation

Every app needs to be a wallet now so you can be mugged in 7D

help a trans friend #MutualAid 

a #trans #disabled friend of mine is asking for money for a new form of critically needed therapy that is not covered by the state. please consider donating - you can even get a symbolic kickback in return, if you want (e.g. a Jewish fantasy e-book, an original poetry anthology), though i've donated for the sake of it.
@mutual_aid @mutualaide

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund #PleaseBoost #PTSD #fundraiser

Sonic 06 shipping discourse 

SonElise is canonically fictional! It never happened! Iblis was triggered. Do not mention this human woman ever again.


this was one of the funniest pictures i took in 2024. this squirrel was just being so funny this day. i watched them climb up into this old plant stand thing thinking they'd just stand on it or jump from it or whatever but then they settled in for quick little rest. i couldn't believe it. guess it was just nap time!

they're calling me cobalt 60 the way everyone just drops me & runs away

trans femme name hash function would be terrible and have constant collisions

my parents did the single and only anticapitalist thing they have done in their life: setting fire to an alexa

hey fedi, does anybody know anything about self defense/martial arts?

i want to start practicing one purely for practical purposes to be able to defend myself. suggestions?

i am not looking at flashy but impractical moves. i want something that can help me reliably knock someone tf out if i become a victim of bigoted violence. we also assume there are no rules and my attacker will try to fight me in the dirtiest possible way

any other tips also welcome

#selfDefense #martialArts

boosts ok

Hello World :)

I am pleased to present you a small project that I have been working on these last weeks:

MARL (Mastodon Archive Reader Lite) is a small web app that allows you to explore in detail the content of your Mastodon posts archive, including attached files (images, videos, sounds), and with different search options.

🙏 Boosts welcome! 🙏

(More info in the post below 👇)

#Mastodon #archive

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.