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food, annoying emasculation obsessions 

It is really embarrassing watching cis guys get obsessed over veganism emasculating them and those around them. Whether they are vegan or are not, it is always there. Completely soaked in unpacked homophobia, misogyny, etc.

Juvenile concerns like thinking it is gay eating a banana without dicing it, "rabbit food" (describing literally any vegetable), protein fitness obsession that denies anything non-meat by dogma (that's gay), etc. Grow up, some of us learned to eat more than dino nuggets, ok?

And SHUT UP about health panacea bullshit that barely hides your sperm count insecurity. It is embarrassing!!! Vegans on that one too! Modern medicine has got ya covered more than dietary change ever will there, you can take some t-boys word for it 🙄

A good friend who is a devout, hijab-wearing, Salafi Muslim is thinking of joining Mastodon (or a Masto fork). Can anyone recommend Muslim community-oriented instances? I'd especially appreciate recommendations from Muslim women. 🙏 ❤️

#MastodonMigration #AskFedi #Islam #Muslim #Muslimah #Hijabi #Sunni #Salafi #Salafism @islam

next year I'm getting a food processor for latkes

The Tumblr shoplifterinas are WRONG about Target and Here's Why (video essay) Part 1

hey folks. early Christmas morning, our apartment was shot. my bedroom, specifically, while i was in it. this was exactly one day after the upstairs neighbors' unit was shot, and we were in the process of packing to leave when it happened. we are safe with friends, but have yet to secure a new place to live, or go back for all our stuff. this is gonna be a difficult and expensive process, and we are currently unemployed. if you're able to kick even a couple bucks our way, it would help immensely. 💜

After 6 months and about 333 commits I proudly present:

Faircamp 1.0 – A static site generator for audio producers

To recap the highlights of the past months and learn what's new in the final 1.0 release, check out the blog post:

Development of version 1.0 was made possible through the amazing support, funding and expertise of the @NGIZero programme and coalition, led by the @nlnet foundation and financed by the European Commission's @EC_NGI initiative – thank you so much for giving me and everyone benefitting from a better Faircamp this incredible opportunity!

Also, many thanks to all faircampers, contributors, testers, translators, bloggers, podcasters and encouraging voices for supporting this journey - for the final 1.0 release specifically to @branpos for release candidate testing, @n00q for bugreporting/testing, @limebar for the external artist page feature inspiration and @Vac for their diligent translation work.

Along with this release I've published multiple new documentation resources - from an official Linux/macOS/Windows tutorial to a 1.0 migration guide, from an overhauled reference manual to a beginner's guide to publishing faircamp (or any!) static sites - check out the website and recent posts in the #faircamp hashtag to discover them!

That's all!

novel ideas that didn't pass editor sensitivity screening 

In this cyberpunk story we explore a world where MOBAs can randomly kill you from playing too much of them.

Many have tried to figure out the answer, but we still don't fully understand how clams are so cool.


be careful peeling potatoes in bulk.
I wasn't 💀

The ancients could offer burnt sacrifice to their gods by burning offerings and watching the smoke rise to the heavens.

I must settle for the weed smoke that rises into the active ventilation unit in my bathroom.

that's it. i had my patience with people, but this time i am done. if yall are pro russia or pro putin i detest and look down on you. you're pathetic and disgusting. you're not my friend, you're not my ally and you deserve to be shamed. you're a fucking colonizer. fuck off. you're a fake leftist and you're a fucking fascist. if i see you in the alley im gonna catch a body

Hewlett Packard report that they are spotting AI-generated malware in the wild, not through complex analysis or watermarking, but because… it is weirdly well-commented.

Help raise funds for Ruby: a USian trans woman in her 20s who is trapped with transphobic, abusive, alcoholic father who forces her to become drunk against her wishes, flee US and marry Britt, who is raising funds for Ruby's immigration as well!!

Goal: 2197/3200 dollars


Tags: #GTFOmyState #MutualAid #TransMutualAid #TransCrowdFund #crowdfund #crowdfunding #fundraiser #fundraising

can anybody suggest a phrase to distinguish

"self-hosting" as in, you put software on a vps or other computer that you pay for from
"self-hosting" as in, the above but more specifically on (a) computer(s) running in your home, that visitors reach via the same internet connection you and your family uses

i kindof like "self-hosting" versus "home-hosting" but i wonder what else is out there

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.